using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading.Tasks; using AntDesign.JsInterop; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components; using OneOf; namespace AntDesign { /* * Possible values and meaning * int - horizontal gutter * Dictionary - horizontal gutters for different screen sizes * (int, int) - horizontal gutter, vertical gutter * (Dictionary, int) - horizontal gutters for different screen sizes, vertical gutter * (int, Dictionary) - horizontal gutter, vertical gutter for different screen sizes * (Dictionary, Dictionary) - horizontal gutters for different screen sizes, vertical gutter for different screen sizes */ using GutterType = OneOf, (int, int), (Dictionary, int), (int, Dictionary), (Dictionary, Dictionary)>; public partial class Row : AntDomComponentBase { [Parameter] public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; } [Parameter] public string Type { get; set; } /// /// 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' /// [Parameter] public string Align { get; set; } /// /// 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'space-around' | 'space-between' /// [Parameter] public string Justify { get; set; } [Parameter] public bool Wrap { get; set; } = true; [Parameter] public GutterType Gutter { get; set; } [Parameter] public EventCallback OnBreakpoint { get; set; } /// /// Used to set gutter during pre-rendering /// [Parameter] public BreakpointType DefaultBreakpoint { get; set; } [Inject] public DomEventService DomEventService { get; set; } private string GutterStyle { get; set; } public IList Cols { get; } = new List(); private static BreakpointType[] _breakpoints = new[] { BreakpointType.Xs, BreakpointType.Sm, BreakpointType.Md, BreakpointType.Lg, BreakpointType.Xl, BreakpointType.Xxl }; protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { var prefixCls = "ant-row"; ClassMapper.Add(prefixCls) .If($"{prefixCls}-top", () => Align == "top") .If($"{prefixCls}-middle", () => Align == "middle") .If($"{prefixCls}-bottom", () => Align == "bottom") .If($"{prefixCls}-start", () => Justify == "start") .If($"{prefixCls}-end", () => Justify == "end") .If($"{prefixCls}-center", () => Justify == "center") .If($"{prefixCls}-space-around", () => Justify == "space-around") .If($"{prefixCls}-space-between", () => Justify == "space-between") .If($"{prefixCls}-no-wrap", () => !Wrap) ; if (DefaultBreakpoint != null) { SetGutterStyle(DefaultBreakpoint.Name); } await base.OnInitializedAsync(); } protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { if (firstRender) { var dimensions = await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.GetWindow); DomEventService.AddEventListener("window", "resize", OnResize, false); OptimizeSize(dimensions.innerWidth); } await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender); } private async void OnResize(Window window) { OptimizeSize(window.innerWidth); } private void OptimizeSize(decimal windowWidth) { BreakpointType actualBreakpoint = _breakpoints[_breakpoints.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < _breakpoints.Length; i++) { if (windowWidth <= _breakpoints[i].Width && (windowWidth >= (i > 0 ? _breakpoints[i - 1].Width : 0))) { actualBreakpoint = _breakpoints[i]; } } SetGutterStyle(actualBreakpoint.Name); if (OnBreakpoint.HasDelegate) { OnBreakpoint.InvokeAsync(actualBreakpoint); } StateHasChanged(); } private void SetGutterStyle(string breakPoint) { var gutter = this.GetGutter(breakPoint); Cols.ForEach(x => x.RowGutterChanged(gutter)); GutterStyle = ""; if (gutter.horizontalGutter > 0) { GutterStyle = $"margin-left: -{gutter.horizontalGutter / 2}px; margin-right: -{gutter.horizontalGutter / 2}px; "; } GutterStyle += $"row-gap: {gutter.verticalGutter}px; "; StateHasChanged(); } private (int horizontalGutter, int verticalGutter) GetGutter(string breakPoint) { GutterType gutter = 0; if (this.Gutter.Value != null) gutter = this.Gutter; return gutter.Match( num => (num, 0), dic => breakPoint != null && dic.ContainsKey(breakPoint) ? (dic[breakPoint], 0) : (0, 0), tuple => tuple, tupleDicInt => (tupleDicInt.Item1.ContainsKey(breakPoint) ? tupleDicInt.Item1[breakPoint] : 0, tupleDicInt.Item2), tupleIntDic => (tupleIntDic.Item1, tupleIntDic.Item2.ContainsKey(breakPoint) ? tupleIntDic.Item2[breakPoint] : 0), tupleDicDic => (tupleDicDic.Item1.ContainsKey(breakPoint) ? tupleDicDic.Item1[breakPoint] : 0, tupleDicDic.Item2.ContainsKey(breakPoint) ? tupleDicDic.Item2[breakPoint] : 0) ); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose(disposing); DomEventService.RemoveEventListerner("window", "resize", OnResize); } } public enum BreakpointEnum { xxl, xl, lg, md, sm, xs } }