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synced 2024-12-04 21:17:36 +08:00
* fix(module:datepicker): RangePicker focus not cleared * fix:(module:datepicker): Enter/Tab keys clear the value * fix:(module:datepicker): remove invalid unit test
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729 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AntDesign.Core.Extensions;
using AntDesign.Internal;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
namespace AntDesign
public partial class RangePicker<TValue> : DatePickerBase<TValue>
private TValue _value;
private TValue _lastValue;
private TValue _initValue;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the value of the input. This should be used with two-way binding.
/// </summary>
/// <example>
/// @bind-Value="model.PropertyName"
/// </example>
public override sealed TValue Value
get { return _value; }
// initial value is null, return directly
if (value is null && _lastValue is null)
// set null, then clear the values
if (value is null && _lastValue is not null)
TValue orderedValue = SortValue(value);
var hasChanged = _lastValue is null || !InternalConvert.SequenceEqual(orderedValue, _lastValue);
if (hasChanged)
_value = orderedValue;
_lastValue ??= CreateInstance();
Array.Copy(orderedValue as Array, _lastValue as Array, 2);
GetIfNotNull(_value, 0, (notNullValue) => PickerValues[0] = notNullValue);
GetIfNotNull(_value, 1, (notNullValue) => PickerValues[1] = notNullValue);
private readonly DateTime[] _pickerValuesAfterInit = new DateTime[2];
public EventCallback<DateRangeChangedEventArgs<TValue>> OnChange { get; set; }
private bool ShowFooter => !IsShowTime && (RenderExtraFooter != null || ShowRanges);
private bool ShowRanges => Ranges is { Count: > 0 };
private readonly Func<DateTime, bool> _defaultDisabledDateCheck;
private Func<DateTime, bool> _disabledDate;
public override Func<DateTime, bool> DisabledDate
return _disabledDate;
_disabledDate = (date) => (value?.Invoke(date) is true) || _defaultDisabledDateCheck(date);
public RangePicker()
IsRange = true;
_defaultDisabledDateCheck = (date) =>
int? index = null;
if (_inputEnd.IsOnFocused && GetIndexValue(0) is not null)
index = 0;
else if (_inputStart.IsOnFocused && GetIndexValue(1) is not null)
index = 1;
if (index is null)
return false;
if (_pickerStatus[index.Value].SelectedValue is null)
return false;
var value = GetIndexValue(index.Value);
if (value is null)
return false;
var date1 = date.Date;
var date2 = value.Value.Date;
if (Picker == DatePickerType.Week)
var calendar = CultureInfo.Calendar;
var calendarWeekRule = CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.CalendarWeekRule;
var date1Week = calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date1, calendarWeekRule, Locale.FirstDayOfWeek);
var date2Week = calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date2, calendarWeekRule, Locale.FirstDayOfWeek);
return index == 0 ? date1Week < date2Week && date1.Year <= date2.Year
: date1.Year >= date2.Year && date1Week > date2Week;
var formattedDate1 = DateHelper.FormatDateByPicker(date1, Picker);
var formattedDate2 = DateHelper.FormatDateByPicker(date2, Picker);
return index == 0 ? formattedDate1 < formattedDate2 : formattedDate1 > formattedDate2;
DisabledDate = null;
private async Task OnInputClick(int index)
if (_duringManualInput)
_openingOverlay = !_dropDown.IsOverlayShow();
//Reset Picker to default in case the picker value was changed
//but no value was selected (for example when a user clicks next
//month but does not select any value)
var currentValue = GetIndexValue(index);
if (currentValue.HasValue)
if (index == 0 || IsShowTime)
PickerValues[index] = currentValue.Value;
var otherValue = GetIndexValue(Math.Abs(index - 1));
PickerValues[index] = Picker switch
DatePickerType.Year when DateHelper.IsSameDecade(currentValue, otherValue) => currentValue.Value,
DatePickerType.Week or DatePickerType.Date when DateHelper.IsSameMonth(currentValue, otherValue) => currentValue.Value,
DatePickerType.Quarter or DatePickerType.Month when DateHelper.IsSameYear(currentValue, otherValue) => currentValue.Value,
_ => GetClosingDate(currentValue.Value, -1)
else if (UseDefaultPickerValue[index] && DefaultPickerValue is not null)
PickerValues[index] = InternalConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(DefaultPickerValue).Value.DateTime;
PickerValues[index] = _pickerValuesAfterInit[index];
await _dropDown.Show();
if (index == 0)
// change start picker value
if (!_inputStart.IsOnFocused && _pickerStatus[index].IsValueSelected && !UseDefaultPickerValue[index])
GetIfNotNull(Value, index, notNullValue =>
ChangePickerValue(notNullValue, index);
ChangeFocusTarget(true, false);
// change end picker value
if (!_inputEnd.IsOnFocused && _pickerStatus[index].IsValueSelected && !UseDefaultPickerValue[index])
GetIfNotNull(Value, index, notNullValue =>
ChangePickerValue(notNullValue, index);
ChangeFocusTarget(false, true);
/// <summary>
/// Method is called via EventCallBack if the keyboard key is no longer pressed inside the Input element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Contains the key (combination) which was pressed inside the Input element</param>
/// <param name="index">Refers to picker index - 0 for starting date, 1 for ending date</param>
protected async Task OnKeyDown(KeyboardEventArgs e, int index)
if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(e));
var key = e.Key.ToUpperInvariant();
var isEnter = key == "ENTER";
var isTab = key == "TAB";
var isEscape = key == "ESCAPE";
var isOverlayShown = _dropDown.IsOverlayShow();
if (isEnter || isTab || isEscape)
if (_duringManualInput)
//A scenario when there are a lot of controls;
//It may happen that incorrect values were entered into one of the input
//followed by ENTER key. This event may be fired before input manages
//to get the value. Here we ensure that input will get that value.
await Task.Delay(5);
_duringManualInput = false;
var input = (index == 0 ? _inputStart : _inputEnd);
if (isEnter || isTab)
if (HasTimeInput && _pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is not null)
await OnOkClick();
else if (_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is not null)
await OnSelect(_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue.Value, index);
else if (isOverlayShown)
if (_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is null && _pickerStatus[index].IsValueSelected)
_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue = GetIndexValue(index);
if (isTab || !await SwitchFocus(index))
if (isTab && index == 1)
AutoFocus = false;
else if (!isTab)
await _dropDown.Show();
else if (isEscape && isOverlayShown)
await Js.FocusAsync(input.Ref);
else if (key == "ARROWUP")
if (isOverlayShown)
AutoFocus = true;
else if (!isOverlayShown)
await _dropDown.Show();
private async Task OnFocus(int index)
if (index == 0)
if (!_inputStart.IsOnFocused)
await Blur(1);
await Focus(0);
if (!_inputEnd.IsOnFocused)
await Blur(0);
await Focus(1);
AutoFocus = true;
protected override async Task OnBlur(int index)
//Await for Focus event - if it is going to happen, it will be
//right after OnBlur. Best way to achieve that is to wait.
//Task.Yield() does not work here.
await Task.Delay(1);
if (ChangeOnClose && _duringManualInput)
if (_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is not null)
await OnSelect(_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue.Value, index);
else if (AllowClear)
if (_openingOverlay || _dropDown.IsOverlayShow())
_duringManualInput = false;
AutoFocus = false;
protected override void OnInitialized()
RangePickerDefaults.ProcessDefaults(Value, DefaultValue, DefaultPickerValue, PickerValues, UseDefaultPickerValue);
_pickerValuesAfterInit[0] = PickerValues[0];
_pickerValuesAfterInit[1] = PickerValues[1];
if (_value == null)
_value = CreateInstance();
_initValue = (TValue)(_value as Array).Clone();
/// <summary>
/// Handle change of values.
/// When values are changed, PickerValues should point to those new values
/// or current date if no values were passed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
protected override void OnValueChange(TValue value)
//reset all only if not changed using picker
if (_inputStart?.IsOnFocused != true && _inputEnd?.IsOnFocused != true) // is null or false
UseDefaultPickerValue[0] = false;
UseDefaultPickerValue[1] = false;
_pickerStatus[0].IsValueSelected = true;
_pickerStatus[1].IsValueSelected = true;
/// <summary>
/// Get value by picker index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public override DateTime? GetIndexValue(int index)
if (_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is null)
var isFocused = index == 0 && _inputStart?.IsOnFocused == true ||
index == 1 && _inputEnd?.IsOnFocused == true;
DateTime? currentValue;
if (isFocused && (currentValue = GetValue(index)) is not null
&& _pickerStatus[Math.Abs(index - 1)].SelectedValue is not null
&& !IsValidRange(currentValue.Value, index))
return null;
if (_pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is not null)
return _pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue;
if (Value != null)
return GetValue(index);
else if (!IsTypedValueNull(DefaultValue, index, out var defaultValue))
return defaultValue?.DateTime;
return null;
private DateTime? GetValue(int index)
var array = Value as Array;
var indexValue = array.GetValue(index);
if (indexValue == null)
return null;
return InternalConvert.ToDateTime(indexValue);
private bool IsTypedValueNull(TValue value, int index, out DateTimeOffset? outValue)
var dateValue = (value as Array)?.GetValue(index);
outValue = InternalConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(dateValue);
return outValue == null;
public override void ChangeValue(DateTime value, int index = 0, bool closeDropdown = true)
if (DisabledDate(value))
bool isValueInstantiated = Value == null;
if (isValueInstantiated)
Value = CreateInstance();
UseDefaultPickerValue[index] = false;
var defaultValue = InternalConvert.ToDateTimeOffset((DefaultValue as Array)?.GetValue(index));
var currentValueArray = Value as Array;
var currentIndexValue = InternalConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(currentValueArray?.GetValue(index));
var newValue = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.SpecifyKind(value, DateTimeKind.Unspecified), defaultValue?.Offset ?? currentIndexValue?.Offset ?? DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset);
var isValueChanged = InternalConvert.ToDateTimeOffset(currentValueArray?.GetValue(index)) != newValue;
if (isValueChanged)
if (currentValueArray is DateTime[] dateTimeArray)
dateTimeArray.SetValue(newValue.DateTime, index);
else if (currentValueArray is DateTime?[] nullableDateTimeArray)
nullableDateTimeArray.SetValue(newValue.DateTime, index);
else if (currentValueArray is DateTimeOffset[] dateTimeOffsetArray)
dateTimeOffsetArray.SetValue(newValue, index);
else if (currentValueArray is DateTimeOffset?[] nullableDateTimeOffsetArray)
nullableDateTimeOffsetArray.SetValue(newValue, index);
else if (currentValueArray is DateOnly[] dateOnly)
dateOnly.SetValue(DateOnly.FromDateTime(newValue.DateTime), index);
else if (currentValueArray is DateOnly?[] nullableDateOnly)
nullableDateOnly.SetValue(DateOnly.FromDateTime(newValue.DateTime), index);
else if (currentValueArray is TimeOnly[] timeOnly)
timeOnly.SetValue(TimeOnly.FromDateTime(newValue.DateTime), index);
else if (currentValueArray is TimeOnly?[] nullableTimeOnly)
nullableTimeOnly.SetValue(TimeOnly.FromDateTime(newValue.DateTime), index);
throw new NotImplementedException("Type not supported");
var otherIndex = Math.Abs(index - 1);
//if Value was just now instantiated then set the other index to existing DefaultValue
if (isValueInstantiated && DefaultValue != null)
var arrayDefault = DefaultValue as Array;
currentValueArray.SetValue(arrayDefault.GetValue(otherIndex), otherIndex);
var startDate = currentValueArray.GetValue(0);
var endDate = currentValueArray.GetValue(1);
if (isValueChanged && startDate is not null && endDate is not null)
if (_isNotifyFieldChanged && (Form?.ValidateOnChange is true))
_pickerStatus[index].IsValueSelected = true;
if (closeDropdown && !HasTimeInput
&& _pickerStatus[index].SelectedValue is not null
&& (_pickerStatus[otherIndex].SelectedValue is not null || IsDisabled(otherIndex)))
public override void ClearValue(int index = -1, bool closeDropdown = true)
_isSetPicker = false;
var array = CurrentValue as Array;
ReadOnlySpan<int> indexToClear;
if (index == -1)
indexToClear = new[] { 0, 1 }; // For .NET 8+, using `ReadOnlySpan<int>` can avoid this array allocation
indexToClear = new[] { index };
foreach (var i in indexToClear)
if (!IsNullable && DefaultValue != null)
var defaults = DefaultValue as Array;
array.SetValue(defaults.GetValue(i), i);
array.SetValue(default, i);
_pickerStatus[i].SelectedValue = null;
_pickerStatus[i].IsValueSelected = false;
PickerValues[i] = _pickerValuesAfterInit[i];
if (closeDropdown)
if (array.GetValue(0) is null || array.GetValue(1) is null)
internal override void ResetValue()
if (CurrentValue is Array currentArray)
_isNotifyFieldChanged = false;
(_initValue as Array).CopyTo(currentArray, 0);
_isNotifyFieldChanged = true;
private void InvokeOnChange()
OnChange.InvokeAsync(new DateRangeChangedEventArgs<TValue>
Dates = Value,
DateStrings = new string[] { GetInputValue(0), GetInputValue(1) }
private TValue CreateInstance()
if (DefaultValue is not null)
return (TValue)(DefaultValue as Array).Clone();
var type = typeof(TValue);
if (IsNullable)
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTime?[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime?), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTimeOffset?[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTimeOffset?), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateOnly?[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateOnly?), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TimeOnly?[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(TimeOnly?), 2).Clone();
throw new NotSupportedException($"{type.FullName} not supported");
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTime[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTime), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTimeOffset[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateTimeOffset), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateOnly[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateOnly), 2).Clone();
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TimeOnly[])))
return (TValue)Array.CreateInstance(typeof(DateOnly), 2).Clone();
throw new NotSupportedException($"{type.FullName} not supported");
protected override bool TryParseValueFromString(string value, out TValue result, out string validationErrorMessage)
result = default;
validationErrorMessage = $"{FieldIdentifier.FieldName} field isn't valid.";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return false;
string[] values = value.Split(',');
if (values.Length != 2)
return false;
var success0 = BindConverter.TryConvertTo<DateTime>(values[0], CultureInfo, out var dateTime0);
var success1 = BindConverter.TryConvertTo<DateTime>(values[1], CultureInfo, out var dateTime1);
if (success0 && success1)
result = CreateInstance();
var array = result as Array;
array.SetValue(dateTime0, 0);
array.SetValue(dateTime1, 1);
validationErrorMessage = null;
return true;
return false;
private async Task OverlayVisibleChange(bool isVisible)
_openingOverlay = false;
await OnOpenChange.InvokeAsync(isVisible);
if (!isVisible)
var index = GetOnFocusPickerIndex();
await Focus(index);
private async Task OnSuffixIconClick()
await Focus();
await OnInputClick(0);
public bool ShowClear()
return CurrentValue is Array array && (array.GetValue(0) is not null || array.GetValue(1) is not null) && AllowClear;