mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 17:31:42 +08:00
* fix: rangepicker parameter error * refactor: use EventCallback instead of Action * refactor: use EventCallback instead of Action * fix: rename the class name Co-authored-by: ElderJames <shunjiey@hotmail.com>
616 lines
18 KiB
616 lines
18 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AntDesign.Internal;
using AntDesign.JsInterop;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using OneOf;
namespace AntDesign
public class DatePickerBase<TValue> : AntInputComponentBase<TValue>, IDatePicker
DateTime? IDatePicker.HoverDateTime { get; set; }
public const int START_PICKER_INDEX = 0;
public const int END_PICKER_INDEX = 0;
public string PrefixCls { get; set; } = "ant-picker";
protected string _picker;
protected bool _isSetPicker = false;
protected bool _isNullable = false;
public string Picker
get => _picker;
_isSetPicker = true;
_picker = value;
public string PopupContainerSelector { get; set; }
public bool Disabled { get; set; } = false;
public bool Bordered { get; set; } = true;
public bool AutoFocus { get; set; } = false;
public bool Open { get; set; }
public bool InputReadOnly { get; set; } = false;
public bool ShowToday { get; set; } = true;
private CultureInfo? _cultureInfo;
public CultureInfo CultureInfo
return this._cultureInfo ?? CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture; ;
_cultureInfo = value;
public bool IsShowTime { get; protected set; } = false;
public string ShowTimeFormat { get; protected set; } = "HH:mm:ss";
protected OneOf<bool, string> _showTime = null;
public OneOf<bool, string> ShowTime
get => _showTime;
_showTime = value;
value.Switch(booleanValue =>
IsShowTime = booleanValue;
}, strValue =>
IsShowTime = true;
ShowTimeFormat = strValue;
public bool AllowClear { get; set; } = true;
protected string[] _placeholders = new string[] { "", "" };
protected OneOf<string, string[]> _placeholder;
public OneOf<string, string[]> Placeholder
get => _placeholder;
_placeholder = value;
value.Switch(single =>
_placeholders[0] = single;
}, arr =>
_placeholders[0] = arr.Length > 0 ? arr[0] : _placeholders[0];
_placeholders[1] = arr.Length > 1 ? arr[1] : _placeholders[1];
public string PopupStyle { get; set; }
public string ClassName { get; set; }
public string DropdownClassName { get; set; }
public string Format { get; set; }
protected readonly DateTime?[] DefaultValues = new DateTime?[2];
private OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> _defaultValue;
public OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> DefaultValue
get => _defaultValue;
_defaultValue = value;
value.Switch(single =>
DefaultValues[0] = single;
}, arr =>
DefaultValues[0] = arr.Length > 0 ? arr[0] : DefaultValues[0];
DefaultValues[1] = arr.Length > 1 ? arr[1] : DefaultValues[1];
private readonly DateTime?[] _defaultPickerValues = new DateTime?[2];
private OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> _defaultPickerValue;
public OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> DefaultPickerValue
get => _defaultPickerValue;
_defaultPickerValue = value;
value.Switch(single =>
_defaultPickerValues[0] = single;
}, arr =>
_defaultPickerValues[0] = arr.Length > 0 ? arr[0] : _defaultPickerValues[0];
_defaultPickerValues[1] = arr.Length > 1 ? arr[1] : _defaultPickerValues[1];
public RenderFragment SuffixIcon { get; set; }
public RenderFragment RenderExtraFooter { get; set; }
public EventCallback<bool> OnOpenChange { get; set; }
public EventCallback<DateTimeChangedEventArgs> OnPanelChange { get; set; }
public Func<DateTime, bool> DisabledDate { get; set; } = null;
public Func<DateTime, int[]> DisabledHours { get; set; } = null;
public Func<DateTime, int[]> DisabledMinutes { get; set; } = null;
public Func<DateTime, int[]> DisabledSeconds { get; set; } = null;
public Func<DateTime, DatePickerDisabledTime> DisabledTime { get; set; } = null;
public Func<DateTime, DateTime, RenderFragment> DateRender { get; set; }
// TODO: need locale
public Func<DateTime, RenderFragment> MonthCellRender { get; set; }
public DateTime CurrentDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
protected readonly DateTime[] PickerValues = new DateTime[] { DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now };
protected OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> _pickerValue;
public OneOf<DateTime, DateTime[]> PickerValue
get => _pickerValue;
_pickerValue = value;
value.Switch(single =>
PickerValues[0] = single;
}, arr =>
PickerValues[0] = arr.Length > 0 ? arr[0] : PickerValues[0];
PickerValues[1] = arr.Length > 1 ? arr[1] : PickerValues[1];
public bool IsRange { get; set; }
protected DatePickerInput _inputStart;
protected DatePickerInput _inputEnd;
protected OverlayTrigger _dropDown;
protected string _activeBarStyle = "";
protected string _rangeArrowStyle = "";
protected DatePickerStatus[] _pickerStatus
= new DatePickerStatus[] { new DatePickerStatus(), new DatePickerStatus() };
protected Stack<string> _prePickerStack = new Stack<string>();
protected bool _isClose = true;
protected bool _needRefresh;
protected override void OnInitialized()
// set default picker type
if (_isSetPicker == false)
Picker = DatePickerType.Date;
Type type = typeof(TValue);
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTime?)) || type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(DateTime?[])))
_isNullable = true;
_isNullable = false;
public override Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters)
_needRefresh = true;
return base.SetParametersAsync(parameters);
protected override void OnParametersSet()
protected void SetClass()
.If($"{PrefixCls}-borderless", () => Bordered == false)
.If($"{PrefixCls}-disabled", () => Disabled == true)
.If($"{ClassName}", () => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassName))
.If($"{PrefixCls}-range", () => IsRange == true)
.If($"{PrefixCls}-focused", () => AutoFocus == true)
//.If($"{PrefixCls}-normal", () => Image.IsT1 && Image.AsT1 == Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE)
//.If($"{PrefixCls}-{Direction}", () => Direction.IsIn("ltr", "rlt"))
protected async override Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
await base.OnAfterRenderAsync(firstRender);
if (_needRefresh && IsRange)
if (_inputStart.IsOnFocused)
Element element = await JsInvokeAsync<Element>(JSInteropConstants.GetDomInfo, _inputStart.Ref);
_activeBarStyle = $"width: {element.clientWidth - 10}px; position: absolute; transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);";
_rangeArrowStyle = $"left: 12px";
else if (_inputEnd.IsOnFocused)
Element element = await JsInvokeAsync<Element>(JSInteropConstants.GetDomInfo, _inputEnd.Ref);
_activeBarStyle = $"width: {element.clientWidth - 10}px; position: absolute; transform: translate3d({element.clientWidth + 16}px, 0px, 0px);";
_rangeArrowStyle = $"left: {element.clientWidth + 30}px";
_activeBarStyle = "display: none";
_needRefresh = false;
protected string GetInputValue(int index = 0)
DateTime? tryGetValue = GetIndexValue(index);
if (tryGetValue == null)
return "";
DateTime value = (DateTime)tryGetValue;
return GetFormatValue(value, index);
protected void ChangeFocusTarget(bool inputStartFocus, bool inputEndFocus)
if (!IsRange)
_needRefresh = true;
_inputStart.IsOnFocused = inputStartFocus;
_inputEnd.IsOnFocused = inputEndFocus;
protected async Task OnSelect(DateTime date)
int index = 0;
// change focused picker
if (IsRange && _inputEnd.IsOnFocused)
index = 1;
// InitPicker is the finally value
if (_picker == _pickerStatus[index]._initPicker)
ChangeValue(date, index);
// auto focus the other input
if (IsRange && (!IsShowTime || Picker == DatePickerType.Time))
if (index == 0 && !_pickerStatus[1]._currentShowHadSelectValue && !_inputEnd.IsOnFocused)
await Blur(0);
await Focus(1);
else if (index == 1 && !_pickerStatus[0]._currentShowHadSelectValue && !_inputStart.IsOnFocused)
await Blur(1);
await Focus(0);
_picker = _prePickerStack.Pop();
ChangePickerValue(date, index);
protected void InitPicker(string picker)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pickerStatus[0]._initPicker))
_pickerStatus[0]._initPicker = picker;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pickerStatus[1]._initPicker))
_pickerStatus[1]._initPicker = picker;
if (IsRange)
(string first, string second) = DatePickerPlaceholder.GetRangePlaceHolderByType(picker, this.CultureInfo);
_placeholders[0] = first;
_placeholders[1] = second;
string first = DatePickerPlaceholder.GetPlaceholderByType(picker, this.CultureInfo);
_placeholders[0] = first;
_placeholders[1] = first;
if (IsRange)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
PickerValues[1] = picker switch
DatePickerType.Date => now.AddMonths(1),
DatePickerType.Week => now.AddMonths(1),
DatePickerType.Month => now.AddYears(1),
DatePickerType.Decade => now.AddYears(1),
DatePickerType.Quarter => now.AddYears(1),
DatePickerType.Year => now.AddYears(10),
_ => now,
protected virtual void UpdateCurrentValueAsString(int index = 0)
if (EditContext != null)
CurrentValueAsString = GetInputValue(index);
public void Close()
public async Task Focus(int index = 0)
DatePickerInput input = null;
if (index == 0)
input = _inputStart;
else if (index == 1 && IsRange)
input = _inputEnd;
if (input != null)
input.IsOnFocused = true;
await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.Focus, input.Ref);
_needRefresh = true;
public async Task Blur(int index = 0)
DatePickerInput input = null;
if (index == 0)
input = _inputStart;
else if (index == 1 && IsRange)
input = _inputEnd;
if (input != null)
input.IsOnFocused = false;
await JsInvokeAsync(JSInteropConstants.Blur, input.Ref);
_needRefresh = true;
public int GetOnFocusPickerIndex()
if (_inputStart != null && _inputStart.IsOnFocused)
return 0;
if (_inputEnd != null && _inputEnd.IsOnFocused)
return 1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Get pickerValue by picker index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public DateTime GetIndexPickerValue(int index)
return PickerValues[index];
public void ChangePlaceholder(string placeholder, int index = 0)
_placeholders[index] = placeholder;
public string GetFormatValue(DateTime value, int index)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Format))
return value.ToString(Format, this.CultureInfo);
string formater = _pickerStatus[index]._initPicker switch
DatePickerType.Date => IsShowTime ? $"yyyy-MM-dd {ShowTimeFormat}" : "yyyy-MM-dd",
DatePickerType.Week => $"{value.Year}-{DateHelper.GetWeekOfYear(value)}{CultureInfo.GetDateLocale().Week}",
DatePickerType.Month => "yyyy-MM",
DatePickerType.Quarter => $"{value.Year}-{DateHelper.GetDayOfQuarter(value)}",
DatePickerType.Year => "yyyy",
DatePickerType.Time => "HH:mm:dd",
_ => "yyyy-MM-dd",
return value.ToString(formater, this.CultureInfo);
internal void ChangePickerValue(DateTime date, int index = 0)
TimeSpan interval = date - PickerValues[index];
PickerValues[index] = date;
if (IsRange)
if (index == 0)
PickerValues[1] = PickerValues[1].Add(interval);
PickerValues[0] = PickerValues[0].Add(interval);
if (OnPanelChange.HasDelegate)
OnPanelChange.InvokeAsync(new DateTimeChangedEventArgs
Date = PickerValues[index],
DateString = _picker
public void ChangePickerType(string type)
ChangePickerType(type, 0);
public virtual void ChangePickerType(string type, int index)
_picker = type;
if (OnPanelChange.HasDelegate)
OnPanelChange.InvokeAsync(new DateTimeChangedEventArgs
Date = PickerValues[index],
DateString = _picker
/// <summary>
/// 修改值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <param name="index"></param>
public virtual void ChangeValue(DateTime value, int index = 0)
public virtual void ClearValue(int index = 0)
public virtual DateTime? GetIndexValue(int index)
return null;
public void InvokeStateHasChanged()