James Yeung aeae95ef43
fix(module: transfer): add ListStyle to custom the css for columns (#3139)
* fix(module: transfer): add `ListStyle` to custom the css for columns.

* pass TransferDirection
2023-02-26 23:25:04 +08:00

362 lines
12 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using OneOf;
namespace AntDesign
public partial class Transfer : AntDomComponentBase
private const string PrefixName = "ant-transfer";
private const string DisabledClass = "ant-transfer-list-content-item-disabled";
private const string FooterClass = "ant-transfer-list-with-footer";
public IEnumerable<TransferItem> DataSource { get; set; }
public string[] Titles { get; set; } = new string[2];
public string[] Operations { get; set; } = new string[2];
public bool Disabled { get; set; } = false;
public bool ShowSearch { get; set; } = false;
public bool ShowSelectAll { get; set; } = true;
public IEnumerable<string> TargetKeys { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<string> SelectedKeys { get; set; }
public EventCallback<TransferChangeArgs> OnChange { get; set; }
public EventCallback<TransferScrollArgs> OnScroll { get; set; }
public EventCallback<TransferSearchArgs> OnSearch { get; set; }
public EventCallback<TransferSelectChangeArgs> OnSelectChange { get; set; }
public Func<TransferItem, OneOf<string, RenderFragment>> Render { get; set; }
public TransferLocale Locale { get; set; } = LocaleProvider.CurrentLocale.Transfer;
public string Footer { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public RenderFragment FooterTemplate { get; set; }
public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// A custom CSS style used for rendering the transfer columns
/// </summary>
public Func<TransferDirection, string> ListStyle { get; set; } = _ => string.Empty;
private List<string> _targetKeys = new List<string>();
private List<string> _selectedKeys = new List<string>();
private bool _leftCheckAllState = false;
private bool _leftCheckAllIndeterminate = false;
private bool _rightCheckAllState = false;
private bool _rightCheckAllIndeterminate = false;
private string _leftCountText = string.Empty;
private string _rightCountText = string.Empty;
private bool _leftButtonDisabled = true;
private bool _rightButtonDisabled = true;
private IEnumerable<TransferItem> _leftDataSource;
private IEnumerable<TransferItem> _rightDataSource;
private List<string> _sourceSelectedKeys;
private List<string> _targetSelectedKeys;
private string _leftFilterValue = string.Empty;
private string _rightFilterValue = string.Empty;
private bool _initialized = false;
protected override void OnInitialized()
.If($"{PrefixName}-rtl", () => RTL);
public override async Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters)
var needRefreshTargetKeys = false;
var needRefreshDataSource = false;
var needRefreshSelectedKeys = false;
if (parameters.TryGetValue(nameof(TargetKeys), out IEnumerable<string> newTargetKeys))
needRefreshTargetKeys |= TargetKeys != newTargetKeys;
if (parameters.TryGetValue(nameof(SelectedKeys), out IEnumerable<string> newSelectedKeys))
needRefreshSelectedKeys |= SelectedKeys != newSelectedKeys;
if (parameters.TryGetValue(nameof(DataSource), out IEnumerable<TransferItem> dataSource))
needRefreshDataSource |= DataSource == null || dataSource == null || !DataSource.SequenceEqual(dataSource);
await base.SetParametersAsync(parameters);
if (needRefreshDataSource)
if (_initialized)
_initialized = true;
if (needRefreshTargetKeys)
_targetKeys = TargetKeys.ToList();
if (needRefreshSelectedKeys)
_selectedKeys = SelectedKeys.ToList();
private void RefreshSelectedKeys()
var removeKeys = new List<string>();
foreach (var key in _selectedKeys)
if (DataSource.Any(x => x.Key == key && x.Disabled))
removeKeys.ForEach(k => _selectedKeys.Remove(k));
_sourceSelectedKeys = _selectedKeys.Where(key => !_targetKeys.Contains(key)).ToList();
_targetSelectedKeys = _selectedKeys.Where(key => _targetKeys.Contains(key)).ToList();
private void RefreshDataSource()
_leftDataSource = DataSource.Where(a => !_targetKeys.Contains(a.Key));
_rightDataSource = DataSource.Where(a => _targetKeys.Contains(a.Key));
private void MathTitleCount()
_rightButtonDisabled = _sourceSelectedKeys?.Count == 0;
_leftButtonDisabled = _targetSelectedKeys?.Count == 0;
var leftDataSourceCount = _leftDataSource?.Count() ?? 0;
var rightDataSourceCount = _rightDataSource?.Count() ?? 0;
var leftSuffix = leftDataSourceCount == 1 ? Locale.ItemUnit : Locale.ItemsUnit;
var rightSuffix = rightDataSourceCount == 1 ? Locale.ItemUnit : Locale.ItemsUnit;
var leftCount = _sourceSelectedKeys?.Count == 0 ? $"{leftDataSourceCount}" : $"{_sourceSelectedKeys.Count}/{leftDataSourceCount}";
var rightCount = _targetSelectedKeys?.Count == 0 ? $"{rightDataSourceCount}" : $"{_targetSelectedKeys.Count}/{rightDataSourceCount}";
_leftCountText = $"{leftCount} {leftSuffix}";
_rightCountText = $"{rightCount} {rightSuffix}";
private async Task SelectItem(bool isCheck, TransferDirection direction, string key)
var holder = direction == TransferDirection.Left ? _sourceSelectedKeys : _targetSelectedKeys;
var index = Array.IndexOf(holder.ToArray(), key);
if (index > -1)
if (isCheck)
_selectedKeys = _sourceSelectedKeys.Union(_targetSelectedKeys).ToList();
HandleSelect(direction, holder);
if (OnSelectChange.HasDelegate)
await OnSelectChange.InvokeAsync(new TransferSelectChangeArgs(_sourceSelectedKeys.ToArray(), _targetSelectedKeys.ToArray()));
private async Task SelectAll(bool isCheck, TransferDirection direction)
var list = _leftDataSource;
if (direction == TransferDirection.Right)
list = _rightDataSource;
var holder = isCheck ? list.Where(a => !a.Disabled).Select(a => a.Key).ToList() : new List<string>(list.Count());
HandleSelect(direction, holder);
if (OnSelectChange.HasDelegate)
await OnSelectChange.InvokeAsync(new TransferSelectChangeArgs(_sourceSelectedKeys.ToArray(), _targetSelectedKeys.ToArray()));
private void HandleSelect(TransferDirection direction, List<string> keys)
if (direction == TransferDirection.Left)
_sourceSelectedKeys = keys;
_targetSelectedKeys = keys;
private async Task MoveItem(MouseEventArgs e, TransferDirection direction)
var moveKeys = direction == TransferDirection.Right ? _sourceSelectedKeys : _targetSelectedKeys;
if (direction == TransferDirection.Left)
_targetKeys.RemoveAll(key => moveKeys.Contains(key));
var oppositeDirection = direction == TransferDirection.Right ? TransferDirection.Left : TransferDirection.Right;
HandleSelect(oppositeDirection, new List<string>());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_leftFilterValue))
await HandleSearch(new ChangeEventArgs() { Value = _leftFilterValue }, TransferDirection.Left, false);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_rightFilterValue))
await HandleSearch(new ChangeEventArgs() { Value = _rightFilterValue }, TransferDirection.Right, false);
if (OnChange.HasDelegate)
await OnChange.InvokeAsync(new TransferChangeArgs(_targetKeys.ToArray(), direction, moveKeys.ToArray()));
private void CheckAllState()
if (_leftDataSource.Any(a => !a.Disabled))
_leftCheckAllState = _sourceSelectedKeys.Count == _leftDataSource.Count(a => !a.Disabled);
_leftCheckAllState = false;
_leftCheckAllIndeterminate = !_leftCheckAllState && _sourceSelectedKeys.Count > 0;
if (_rightDataSource.Any(a => !a.Disabled))
_rightCheckAllState = _targetSelectedKeys.Count == _rightDataSource.Count(a => !a.Disabled);
_rightCheckAllState = false;
_rightCheckAllIndeterminate = !_rightCheckAllState && _targetSelectedKeys.Count > 0;
private async Task HandleScroll(TransferDirection direction, EventArgs e)
if (OnScroll.HasDelegate)
await OnScroll.InvokeAsync(new TransferScrollArgs(direction, e));
private async Task HandleSearch(ChangeEventArgs e, TransferDirection direction, bool mathTileCount = true)
if (direction == TransferDirection.Left)
_leftFilterValue = e.Value.ToString();
_leftDataSource = DataSource.Where(a => !_targetKeys.Contains(a.Key) && a.Title.Contains(_leftFilterValue, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();
_rightFilterValue = e.Value.ToString();
_rightDataSource = DataSource.Where(a => _targetKeys.Contains(a.Key) && a.Title.Contains(_rightFilterValue, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList();
if (mathTileCount)
if (OnSearch.HasDelegate)
await OnSearch.InvokeAsync(new TransferSearchArgs(direction, e.Value.ToString()));
private async Task ClearFilterValueAsync(TransferDirection direction)
if (direction == TransferDirection.Left)
_leftFilterValue = string.Empty;
await HandleSearch(new ChangeEventArgs() { Value = string.Empty }, direction);
_rightFilterValue = string.Empty;
await HandleSearch(new ChangeEventArgs() { Value = string.Empty }, direction);