Andrzej Bakun 3d4f7adaaf perf(module: overlay): positioning moved to js (#1848)
* fix(module:overlay): move postion calculation to js

fixes #1836

* docs: TriggerBoundaryAdjustMode explanation

* docs: select & datepicker got BoundaryAdjustmetMode


* test: fixes

optimization & cleanup

* fix(module:overlay): recalculate overlay position when trigger resizes

* Minor clean-up

* fix(module:overlay): wait for Show to finish in Hide

* fix: prevent vertical scrollbar on overlay adding

* fix: extract waiting function

* fix: overlay not to repostion when trigger vanishes (menu issue)

* fix: scroll adjustment for position: fixed

* fix: on menu mode change, keep

* merge conflict fix

* fix: nominal calculation reset on failed adjustment

* fix: bugs

* test: exclude log method from test coverage in overlay.ts
2021-09-10 19:06:50 +08:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

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"(comment) 2. test-one is meant to run test for a single file (but could be multiple) that is provided as a parameter. ",
" Example: 'npm run test-one tests/modules/components/overlay.test.ts' will run tests in file 'overlay.test.ts'",
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