A Slider component for displaying current value and intervals in range.
## When To Use
To input a value in a range.
## API
| Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| autofocus | get focus when component mounted | boolean | false | |
| disabled | If true, the slider will not be interactable. | boolean | false | |
| dots | Whether the thumb can drag over tick only. | boolean | false | |
| included | Make effect when `marks` not null,`true` means containment and `false` means coordinative | boolean | true | |
| marks | Tick mark of Slider, type of key must be `number`, and must in closed interval \[min, max], each mark can declare its own style. | object | { number: string\|VNode } or { number: { style: object, label: string\|VNode } } or { number: () => VNode } | |
| mark | Custom tick mark of Slider, | v-slot:mark | { point: number, label: any } | 3.0 |
| max | The maximum value the slider can slide to | number | 100 | |
| min | The minimum value the slider can slide to. | number | 0 | |
| step | The granularity the slider can step through values. Must greater than 0, and be divided by (max - min) . When `marks` no null, `step` can be `null`. | number\|null | 1 | |
| tipFormatter | Slider will pass its value to `tipFormatter`, and display its value in Tooltip, and hide Tooltip when return value is null. | Function\|null | IDENTITY | |
| value(v-model) | The value of slider. When `range` is `false`, use `number`, otherwise, use `[number, number]` | number\|number\[] | | |
| vertical | If true, the slider will be vertical. | Boolean | false |
| tooltipVisible | If true, Tooltip will show always, or it will not show anyway, even if dragging or hovering. | Boolean | | |
| getTooltipPopupContainer | The DOM container of the Tooltip, the default behavior is to create a div element in body. | Function | () => document.body | 1.5.0 |