tangjinzhou 0d217db984 fix md
2018-01-11 18:58:58 +08:00

4.4 KiB



name type default description
popupClassName string additional className added to popup
forceRender boolean false whether render popup before first show
destroyPopupOnHide boolean false whether destroy popup when hide
getPopupClassNameFromAlign getPopupClassNameFromAlign(align: Object):String additional className added to popup according to align
action string[] ['hover'] which actions cause popup shown. enum of 'hover','click','focus','contextMenu'
mouseEnterDelay number 0 delay time to show when mouse enter. unit: s.
mouseLeaveDelay number 0.1 delay time to hide when mouse leave. unit: s.
popupStyle Object additional style of popup
prefixCls String rc-trigger-popup prefix class name
popupTransitionName String|Object
maskTransitionName String|Object
mask boolean false whether to support mask
maskClosable boolean true whether to support click mask to hide
popupVisible boolean whether popup is visible
zIndex number popup's zIndex
defaultPopupVisible boolean whether popup is visible initially
popupAlign Object: alignConfig of [dom-align]( popup 's align config
getPopupContainer getPopupContainer(): HTMLElement function returning html node which will act as popup container
getDocument getDocument(): HTMLElement function returning document node which will be attached click event to close trigger
popupPlacement string use preset popup align config from builtinPlacements, can be merged by popupAlign prop
builtinPlacements object builtin placement align map. used by placement prop
popupVisibleChange $emit call when popup visible is changed
popupAlign $emit callback when popup node is aligned
popup slot='popup' popup content