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synced 2024-12-05 21:50:07 +08:00
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391 lines
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import type { Ref } from 'vue';
import { reactive, watch, nextTick, unref, shallowRef, toRaw, ref } from 'vue';
import cloneDeep from 'lodash-es/cloneDeep';
import intersection from 'lodash-es/intersection';
import isEqual from 'lodash-es/isEqual';
import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce';
import omit from 'lodash-es/omit';
import { validateRules } from './utils/validateUtil';
import { defaultValidateMessages } from './utils/messages';
import { allPromiseFinish } from './utils/asyncUtil';
import type { Callbacks, RuleError, ValidateMessages } from './interface';
import type { ValidateStatus } from './FormItem';
interface DebounceSettings {
leading?: boolean;
wait?: number;
trailing?: boolean;
function isRequired(rules: any[]) {
let isRequired = false;
if (rules && rules.length) {
rules.every((rule: { required: any }) => {
if (rule.required) {
isRequired = true;
return false;
return true;
return isRequired;
function toArray(value: string | string[]) {
if (value === undefined || value === null) {
return [];
return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value];
export interface Props {
[key: string]: any;
export interface validateOptions {
validateFirst?: boolean;
validateMessages?: ValidateMessages;
trigger?: 'change' | 'blur' | string | string[];
type namesType = string | string[];
export interface ValidateInfo {
autoLink?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
validateStatus?: ValidateStatus;
help?: any;
export interface validateInfos {
[key: string]: ValidateInfo;
function getPropByPath(obj: Props, path: string, strict: boolean) {
let tempObj = obj;
path = path.replace(/\[(\w+)\]/g, '.$1');
path = path.replace(/^\./, '');
const keyArr = path.split('.');
let i = 0;
for (let len = keyArr.length; i < len - 1; ++i) {
if (!tempObj && !strict) break;
const key = keyArr[i];
if (key in tempObj) {
tempObj = tempObj[key];
} else {
if (strict) {
throw new Error('please transfer a valid name path to validate!');
return {
o: tempObj,
k: keyArr[i],
v: tempObj ? tempObj[keyArr[i]] : null,
isValid: tempObj && keyArr[i] in tempObj,
function useForm(
modelRef: Props | Ref<Props>,
rulesRef: Props | Ref<Props> = ref({}),
options?: {
immediate?: boolean;
deep?: boolean;
validateOnRuleChange?: boolean;
debounce?: DebounceSettings;
onValidate?: Callbacks['onValidate'];
): {
modelRef: Props | Ref<Props>;
rulesRef: Props | Ref<Props>;
initialModel: Props;
validateInfos: validateInfos;
resetFields: (newValues?: Props) => void;
validate: <T = any>(names?: namesType, option?: validateOptions) => Promise<T>;
/** This is an internal usage. Do not use in your prod */
validateField: (
name: string,
value: any,
rules: Record<string, unknown>[],
option?: validateOptions,
) => Promise<RuleError[]>;
mergeValidateInfo: (items: ValidateInfo | ValidateInfo[]) => ValidateInfo;
clearValidate: (names?: namesType) => void;
} {
const initialModel = cloneDeep(unref(modelRef));
const validateInfos = reactive<validateInfos>({});
const rulesKeys = shallowRef([]);
const resetFields = (newValues: Props) => {
Object.assign(unref(modelRef), {
nextTick(() => {
Object.keys(validateInfos).forEach(key => {
validateInfos[key] = {
autoLink: false,
required: isRequired(unref(rulesRef)[key]),
const filterRules = (rules = [], trigger: string[]) => {
if (!trigger.length) {
return rules;
} else {
return rules.filter(rule => {
const triggerList = toArray(rule.trigger || 'change');
return intersection(triggerList, trigger).length;
let lastValidatePromise = null;
const validateFields = (names: string[], option: validateOptions = {}, strict: boolean) => {
// Collect result in promise list
const promiseList: Promise<{
name: string;
errors: string[];
}>[] = [];
const values = {};
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
const name = names[i];
const prop = getPropByPath(unref(modelRef), name, strict);
if (!prop.isValid) continue;
values[name] = prop.v;
const rules = filterRules(unref(rulesRef)[name], toArray(option && option.trigger));
if (rules.length) {
validateField(name, prop.v, rules, option || {})
.then(() => ({
errors: [],
warnings: [],
.catch((ruleErrors: RuleError[]) => {
const mergedErrors: string[] = [];
const mergedWarnings: string[] = [];
ruleErrors.forEach(({ rule: { warningOnly }, errors }) => {
if (warningOnly) {
} else {
if (mergedErrors.length) {
return Promise.reject({
errors: mergedErrors,
warnings: mergedWarnings,
return {
errors: mergedErrors,
warnings: mergedWarnings,
const summaryPromise = allPromiseFinish(promiseList);
lastValidatePromise = summaryPromise;
const returnPromise = summaryPromise
.then(() => {
if (lastValidatePromise === summaryPromise) {
return Promise.resolve(values);
return Promise.reject([]);
.catch((results: any[]) => {
const errorList = results.filter(
(result: { errors: string | any[] }) => result && result.errors.length,
return Promise.reject({
errorFields: errorList,
outOfDate: lastValidatePromise !== summaryPromise,
// Do not throw in console
returnPromise.catch((e: any) => e);
return returnPromise;
const validateField = (
name: string,
value: any,
rules: Record<string, unknown>[],
option: validateOptions = {},
): Promise<RuleError[]> => {
const promise = validateRules(
validateMessages: defaultValidateMessages,
if (!validateInfos[name]) {
return promise.catch((e: any) => e);
validateInfos[name].validateStatus = 'validating';
.catch((e: any) => e)
.then((results: RuleError[] = []) => {
if (validateInfos[name].validateStatus === 'validating') {
const res = results.filter(result => result && result.errors.length);
validateInfos[name].validateStatus = res.length ? 'error' : 'success';
validateInfos[name].help = res.length ? res.map(r => r.errors) : null;
res.length ? toRaw(validateInfos[name].help[0]) : null,
return promise;
const validate = (names?: namesType, option?: validateOptions): Promise<any> => {
let keys = [];
let strict = true;
if (!names) {
strict = false;
keys = rulesKeys.value;
} else if (Array.isArray(names)) {
keys = names;
} else {
keys = [names];
const promises = validateFields(keys, option || {}, strict);
// Do not throw in console
promises.catch((e: any) => e);
return promises;
const clearValidate = (names?: namesType) => {
let keys = [];
if (!names) {
keys = rulesKeys.value;
} else if (Array.isArray(names)) {
keys = names;
} else {
keys = [names];
keys.forEach(key => {
validateInfos[key] &&
Object.assign(validateInfos[key], {
validateStatus: '',
help: null,
const mergeValidateInfo = (items: ValidateInfo[] | ValidateInfo) => {
const info = { autoLink: false } as ValidateInfo;
const help = [];
const infos = Array.isArray(items) ? items : [items];
for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) {
const arg = infos[i] as ValidateInfo;
if (arg?.validateStatus === 'error') {
info.validateStatus = 'error';
arg.help && help.push(arg.help);
info.required = info.required || arg?.required;
info.help = help;
return info;
let oldModel = initialModel;
let isFirstTime = true;
const modelFn = (model: { [x: string]: any }) => {
const names = [];
rulesKeys.value.forEach(key => {
const prop = getPropByPath(model, key, false);
const oldProp = getPropByPath(oldModel, key, false);
const isFirstValidation = isFirstTime && options?.immediate && prop.isValid;
if (isFirstValidation || !isEqual(prop.v, oldProp.v)) {
validate(names, { trigger: 'change' });
isFirstTime = false;
oldModel = cloneDeep(toRaw(model));
const debounceOptions = options?.debounce;
let first = true;
() => {
rulesKeys.value = rulesRef ? Object.keys(unref(rulesRef)) : [];
if (!first && options && options.validateOnRuleChange) {
first = false;
{ deep: true, immediate: true },
() => {
const newValidateInfos = {};
rulesKeys.value.forEach(key => {
newValidateInfos[key] = Object.assign({}, validateInfos[key], {
autoLink: false,
required: isRequired(unref(rulesRef)[key]),
delete validateInfos[key];
for (const key in validateInfos) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(validateInfos, key)) {
delete validateInfos[key];
Object.assign(validateInfos, newValidateInfos);
{ immediate: true },
debounceOptions && debounceOptions.wait
? debounce(modelFn, debounceOptions.wait, omit(debounceOptions, ['wait']))
: modelFn,
{ immediate: options && !!options.immediate, deep: true },
return {
export default useForm;