2018-02-06 15:21:13 +08:00

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  • notification.success(config)
  • notification.error(config)
  • notification.warning(config)
  • notification.warn(config)
  • notification.close(key: String)
  • notification.destroy()

The properties of config are as follows:

Property Description Type Default
btn Customized close button vueNode |function(h) -
class Customized CSS class string -
description The content of notification box (required) string| vueNode |function(h) -
duration Time in seconds before Notification is closed. When set to 0 or null, it will never be closed automatically number 4.5
icon Customized icon vueNode |function(h) -
key The unique identifier of the Notification string -
message The title of notification box (required) string|vueNode |function(h) -
placement Position of Notification, can be one of topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight string topRight
style Customized inline style Object | string -
onClose Specify a function that will be called when the close button is clicked Function -

notification also provides a global config() method that can be used for specifying the default options. Once this method is used, all the notification boxes will take into account these globally defined options when displaying.

  • notification.config(options)
  placement: 'bottomRight',
  bottom: '50px',
  duration: 3,
Property Description Type Default
bottom Distance from the bottom of the viewport, when placement is bottomRight or bottomLeft (unit: pixels). string 24px
duration Time in seconds before Notification is closed. When set to 0 or null, it will never be closed automatically number 4.5
getContainer Return the mount node for Notification () => HTMLNode () => document.body
placement Position of Notification, can be one of topLeft topRight bottomLeft bottomRight string topRight
top Distance from the top of the viewport, when placement is topRight or topLeft (unit: pixels). string 24px