2019-03-15 11:20:37 +08:00

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Property Description Type Default
activeKey Key of the active panel string[]|string No default value. In accordion mode, it's the key of the first panel.
defaultActiveKey Key of the initial active panel string -
bordered Toggles rendering of the border around the collapse block boolean true
accordion If true, Collapse renders as Accordion boolean false
expandIcon allow to customize collapse icon Function(props):VNode | slot="expandIcon" slot-scope="props"|v-slot:expandIcon="props"
destroyInactivePanel Destroy Inactive Panel boolean false


Events Name Description Arguments
change Callback function executed when active panel is changed function(key)


Property Description Type Default
disabled If true, panel cannot be opened or closed boolean false
forceRender Forced render of content on panel, instead of lazy rending after clicking on header boolean false
header Title of the panel string -
key Unique key identifying the panel from among its siblings string -
showArrow If false, panel will not show arrow icon boolean true


How to let the arrow to be on the right?

You can adjust style of the arrow:

.ant-collapse .ant-collapse-item .ant-collapse-header .anticon {
  left: initial;
  right: 16px;