tangjinzhou ff25efe185
update to antd3.8.3 (#159)
* refactor: align

* feat:  update align to 2.4.3

* feat: update trigger 2.5.4

* feat: update tooltip 3.7.2

* fix: align

* feat: update vc-calendar to 9.6.2

* feat: update vc-checkbox to 2.1.5

* feat: update vc-dialog to 7.1.8

* feat: update vc-from to 2.2.1

* feat: update vc-notification to 3.1.1

* test: update snapshots

* feat: update vc-tree to 1.12.6

* feat: update vc-table to 6.2.8

* feat: update vc-upload to 2.5.1

* feat: update vc-input-number to 4.0.12

* feat: update vc-tabs to 9.2.6

* refactor: vc-menu

* refactor: update vc-menu to 7.0.5

* style: remove unused

* feat: update pagination to 1.16.5

* feat: add vc-progress 2.2.5 tag

* feat: add vc-rate 2.4.0 tag

* feat: update vc-slider to 8.6.1

* fix: tooltip error

* style: delete conosle

* feat: update vc-steps to 3.1.1

* add vc-switch tag 1.6.0

* feat: update upload to 2.5.1

* fix: update vc-menu

* fix: update store

* fix: add ref dir

* fix: trigger mock shouldComponentUpdate

* fix: update vc-select

* revert: trigger lazyrenderbox

* fix: update vc-select

* fix: update vc-select

* fix: update vc-select

* fix: update vc-menu

* fix: update vc-slick ref

* update style to 3.8.2

* test: update snapshots

* update vc-select

* update util & affix

* feat: add drawer

* fix: support title add slot mode

* test: update affix test

* update alert

* update anchor

* update snapshots

* fix: doc and vc-drawer

* update select & auto-complete

* update back-top & grid

* feractor: avatar

* test: add drawer test

* update badge

* update button

* update card

* update divider

* feat: update vc-tabs to 9.3.6 and tabs

* add afterEnter callback

* update form

* fix: update drawer

* test: update snapshots

* update modal & notification

* test: update snapshots

* update message

* update locale-provider

* update dropdown

* update layout popconfirm popover

* update time-picker

* update menu

* update date-picker

* docs: update input docs

* update input

* update snapshots

* update table

* update test snapshots

* feat: update progress

* update checkbox

* feat: update spin

* update radio

* docs: slider steps timeline

* update list

* update transfer

* update collapse

* update cascader

* update upload
2018-09-05 21:28:54 +08:00

61 lines
1.6 KiB

import Basic from './basic'
import CustomIcon from './custom-icon'
import CustomStyle from './custom-style'
import Duration from './duration'
import Placement from './placement'
import WithBtn from './with-btn'
import WithIcon from './with-icon'
import Update from './update'
import CN from '../'
import US from '../'
const md = {
cn: `# 通知提醒框
## 何时使用
- 较为复杂的通知内容。
- 带有交互的通知,给出用户下一步的行动点。
- 系统主动推送。
## 代码演示`,
us: `# Notification
Display a notification message globally.
## When To Use
To display a notification message at any of the four corners of the viewport. Typically it can be
used in the following cases:
- A notification with complex content.
- A notification providing a feedback based on the user interaction. Or it may show some details
about upcoming steps the user may have to follow.
- A notification that is pushed by the application.
## Examples `,
export default {
category: 'Components',
type: 'Feedback',
noinstant: true,
title: 'Notification',
subtitle: '通知提醒框',
render () {
return (
<md cn={} us={}/>
<Basic />
<CustomIcon />
<CustomStyle />
<Duration />
<Placement />
<WithBtn />
<WithIcon />
<Update />
<CN slot='cn' />