Create a new [cra-template-typescript]( project named `antd-demo-ts` using yarn.
Ok, reboot with `yarn start`, you should now see a blue primary button displayed on the page. Next you can choose any components of `antd` to develop your application. Visit other workflows of `create-react-app` at it's [User Guide](
We are successfully running antd components now but in the real world, there are still lots of problems about antd-demo-ts. For instance, we actually import all styles of components in the project which may be a network performance issue.
Now we need to customize the default webpack config. We can achieve that by using [react-app-rewired]( which is one of create-react-app's custom config solutions.
Import react-app-rewired and modify the `scripts` field in package.json. Due to new [react-app-rewired@2.x]( issue, you shall need [customize-cra]( along with react-app-rewired.
[babel-plugin-import]( is a babel plugin for importing components on demand ([How does it work?](/docs/react/getting-started#Import-on-Demand)). We are now trying to install it and modify `config-overrides.js`.
Then reboot with `yarn start` and visit the demo page, you should not find any [warning messages]( in the console, which prove that the `import on demand` config is working now. You will find more info about it in [this guide](/docs/react/getting-started#Import-on-Demand).
According to the [Customize Theme documentation](/docs/react/customize-theme), to customize the theme, we need to modify `less` variables with tools such as [less-loader]( We can also use [addLessLoader]( to achieve this. Import it and modify `config-overrides.js` like below.
We use `modifyVars` option of [less-loader]( here, you can see a green button rendered on the page after rebooting the start server.
> You could also try [craco]( and [craco-antd]( to customize create-react-app webpack config same as customize-cra does.
You can also follow instructions in [Use in create-react-app](/docs/react/, then use to setup the TypeScript development environment by yourself.
And you can use [react-scripts-ts-antd]( which includes ts-import-plugin, react-app-rewired, scss, less and etc. You can create a new project that without any configurations by running just one command.