diff --git a/components/grid/index.en-US.md b/components/grid/index.en-US.md index 1ba54f99c1..3e4cfceec6 100644 --- a/components/grid/index.en-US.md +++ b/components/grid/index.en-US.md @@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ If the Ant Design grid layout component does not meet your needs, you can use th | xl | `screen ≥ 1200px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | | | xxl | `screen ≥ 1600px`, could be a `span` value or an object containing above props | number \| object | - | | +You can modify the breakpoints values using by modifying `screen[XS|SM|MD|LG|XL|XXL]` with [theme customization](/docs/react/customize-theme) (since 5.1.0, [sandbox demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/antd-reproduction-template-forked-bjojbx?file=/index.js)). + The breakpoints of responsive grid follow [BootStrap 4 media queries rules](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/layout/overview/#responsive-breakpoints) (not including `occasionally part`).