* test: ✅ add test cases to increase coverage
* test: fix snapshot
* fix: test node envioronment
* fix: test node envioronment
* fix test case
* test: refactor menu test cases
* test: update test code style
* test: add more menu test cases
* add comment
* test: update snapshot
* fix: alert test case
* fix: form onLeaveEnd test cov
* test: fix button click wave test cases
* chore: clean up snapshots
* docs: 🎬 improve BackTop demo
* fix Backtop not working in iframe
* fix lint
* fix ci
* fix ci
* ✅ add more test case
* ✅ add more test cases
* fix ci
* feat: add removeIcon and uploadIcon in API showUploadList
* test: test for removeIcon and downloadIcon
* docs: Upload docs and demo of downloadIcon and removeIcon
* test: update snapshot of uploadlist
* test: update Upload demo test snapshots
* fix: remove className of Upload custom action icons
* test: upldate Upload snapshot
* test: add trailing comma in upload-custom-action-icon.md
* fix: render Upload custom action icons with React.cloneElement
* test: update Uploadlist tests
* test: use string in Upload custom icon test
* fix: remove unused-var SmileOutlined in Upload demo
* fix: fix mouseEvent param missing in Upload ActionIconRender
* fix: fix mouseEvent type in Upload ActionIconRender
* fix: test mouseEvent in upload-custom-action-icon demo
* fix: fix the missing props spread in Upload custom icon
* test: add test for custom onClick in custom Upload icon
* fix: add remove test for custom Upload icon
* feat: use @ant-design/icons@4.0
* feat: use createFromIconfontCN to make site works
* feat: update doc for Icon
* feat: use icon in component Alert
* feat: use icon in component Avatar
* feat: use icon in component Breadcrumb
* feat: use icon in component Button
* feat: use icon in component Cascader
* feat: use icon in component Collapse
* feat: use icon in component Datepicker
* feat: use icon in component Dropdown
* feat: use icon in component Form
* feat: use icon in component Input
* feat: use icon in component InputNumber
* feat: use icon in component Layout
* feat: use icon in component Mention
* feat: use icon in component Message
* feat: use icon in component Modal
* feat: use icon in component Notification
* feat: use icon in component PageHeader
* feat: use icon in component Pagination
* feat: use icon in component Popconfirm
* feat: use icon in component Progress
* feat: use icon in component Rate
* feat: use icon in component Result
* feat: use icon in component Select
* feat: use icon in component Step
* feat: use icon in component Switch
* feat: use icon in component Table
* feat: use icon in component Tab
* feat: use icon in component Tag
* feat: handle rest component which using Icon
* fix: remove unused vars
* feat: use latest alpha ant design icons
* fix: failed test in uploadlist.test.js
* test: update snapshot for icons
* doc: add Icon for site
* doc: use @ant-design/icons in site
* chore: use latest icons
* fix: tslint issue
* fix: test cases
* fix: types for react
* fix: lint rules for import orders
* fix: use @ant-design/icons@4.0.0-alpha.5 to avoid insert css in server render
* fix: eslint error in demo/**.md
* inject antd icons
* update snapshot
* fix site
* doc: update docs
* fix: code snippets icon in site
* feat: use latest @ant-design/icons
* fix: icon props in message
* Fix checking if file is image or not in the UploadList
* Fix type
* Add correct checking if file is image or not
* Change startWith to indexOf, update test
* Increase delay in test to pass CI
* Update test
now we treat url following below rules:
1. `data:image..` => image
2. `http://xxx.com/xxxx.(webp|svg|png|gif|jpg|jpeg)` => image
3. `http://xxx.com/xxx.zip` other extensions => non-image
4. `data:application..` other minetypes in base64 text => non-image
5. `http://xxx.com/xxx` without any extensions => image
ref #9621