* rename .stylelintrc to .stylelintrc.json for explicit file type
* add new npm script lint-fix:style
* fix pseudo-element with double colon
* function name should be lower except ignored functions
* support stylelint declaration-block-no-ignored-properties rule
* support sorted CSS properties order for readability and consistency
* autofix order of all styles by lint-fix:style script
* remove double slash comments after selector
* replace .stylelintignore with ignoreFiles in .stylelintrc.json
* master: (45 commits)
Add type definitions for Steps.Step (#14468)
add select check to fix edge wave issue (#14469)
Fix for Pagination ellipsis misalignment (#14473)
change sentry id
✅ Add sentry in ant.design
💄 New Sketch resources!
fix transfer ref (#14441)
Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave for Menu Item (#14454)
update snapshot (#14467)
📝 beautify code style in documentation (#14457)
Updating type: TreeSelectProps.getPopupContainer (#14443)
change error version
3.12.4 changelog (#14436)
Fix the bug that radio onchange will be ovrride by radioGroup onchange (#14364)
docs: updated doc for create-react-app
fix prefixCls of empty go to div (#14404)
update snapshot (#14406)
add radius on table-placeholder to fix table small size border clip (#14398)
fix style of Input.Search with enterButton (#14397)
* master:
📝 Add bodyStyle and style of Drawer in documentation, #13850🐛 Fix Drawer style not working
🐛 fix markStyle affset style
Update Santa.jsx
update changelog
bump 3.11.6
revert Christmas egg
[type] make type of components compatible with ComponentType<P>
bump 3.11.5
✨ site: make document side bar sticky
* master: (28 commits)
remove overflowY on TextArea autoSize since height transition has been removed for a long time fix#10151💄 tweak form control margin, close#13183
Update Crowdin configuration file
Correct date-picker demo
📝 upgrade ts comment
💄 tweak tree switcher icon size
Fix regular error in firefox and safri
add change log
add checkbox-border-width
add style to SwitchProps
update rc-tree-select
Snapshot fixed.
tabIndex prop added to DatePicker
Improve form demo
prefer logical AND over ternary (#13254)
fix form demo
format (#13252)
📝 improve document images
migrate locale provider to new lifecycle method
types: add generic type for Select[value]
- extends the interface with an optional prop that can be provided to the RcSelect
First of all, thank you for your contribution! :-)
Please makes sure that these checkboxes are checked before submitting your PR, thank you!
* [ x ] Make sure that you propose PR to right branch: bugfix for `master`, feature for branch `feature`.
* [ x ] Make sure that you follow antd's [code convention](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/wiki/Code-convention-for-antd).
* [ x ] Run `npm run lint` and fix those errors before submitting in order to keep consistent code style.
* [ x ] Rebase before creating a PR to keep commit history clear.
* [ x ] Add some descriptions and refer relative issues for you PR.
Extra checklist:
**if** *isBugFix* **:**
* [ ] Make sure that you add at least one unit test for the bug which you had fixed.
**elif** *isNewFeature* **:**
* [ ] Update API docs for the component.
* [ ] Update/Add demo to demonstrate new feature.
* [ ] Update TypeScript definition for the component.
* [ ] Add unit tests for the feature.
This fix is related to Issue #11312 and adds the optional `autoClearSearchValue` prop which can be supplied to `RcSelect` to the Select´s props. This is not really a new feature and a relatively unsubstantial one a that, so I didn´t add a demo for it, but I could do so if that´s desirable.
I updated the English API docs, but I´m not a Chinese speaker so there is no addition to the Chinese documentation. Maybe someone speaking Chinese would be willing to help out.