First of all, thank you for your contribution! 😄
New feature please send pull request to feature branch, and rest to master branch.
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### 🤔 This is a ...
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Bug fix
- [ ] Site / document update
- [ ] Component style update
- [ ] TypeScript definition update
- [ ] Refactoring
- [ ] Code style optimization
- [ ] Branch merge
- [x] Other (about what?)
* adjust style to be similar with origin
* update snapshot
* add missing extra logic
* adjust tiny
* fix margin
* use element to keep the place
* update snapshot
* master: (45 commits)
Add type definitions for Steps.Step (#14468)
add select check to fix edge wave issue (#14469)
Fix for Pagination ellipsis misalignment (#14473)
change sentry id
✅ Add sentry in ant.design
💄 New Sketch resources!
fix transfer ref (#14441)
Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave for Menu Item (#14454)
update snapshot (#14467)
📝 beautify code style in documentation (#14457)
Updating type: TreeSelectProps.getPopupContainer (#14443)
change error version
3.12.4 changelog (#14436)
Fix the bug that radio onchange will be ovrride by radioGroup onchange (#14364)
docs: updated doc for create-react-app
fix prefixCls of empty go to div (#14404)
update snapshot (#14406)
add radius on table-placeholder to fix table small size border clip (#14398)
fix style of Input.Search with enterButton (#14397)
* init
* number format
* add Countdown
* ⚡ Try something ts stuff
* move out Countdown
* add format
* support countdown
* add prefix & suffix
* Move Number to Statistic
* adjust ts
* clean up
* roll back of lodash
* update doc & style
* variable of the less style
* add demo test
* full coverage
* hide title if not need
* update snapshot
* update accessiblity
* update color
* stop countdown when time is out
* formatTimeStr adjust
* use reset class
* add miss tab index
* update doc
* update title prop & snapshot
* rm additional aria. It's over design
* use card sample on unit demo
* sfc
* adjust demo