* Remove fixed width from cascader examples
* Replace fixed vertical slider example height with clearfix div
* Replace fixed width on TreeSelect examples with percentage width
* Update test snapshots
* Use inline-block rather than float left for vertical slider example
* use new rc-tree-select
* support not found
* add switch icon support
* support function
* support selection motion
* show search icon if open
* clean up
* fix lint
* fix lint
* feat: use @ant-design/icons@4.0
* feat: use createFromIconfontCN to make site works
* feat: update doc for Icon
* feat: use icon in component Alert
* feat: use icon in component Avatar
* feat: use icon in component Breadcrumb
* feat: use icon in component Button
* feat: use icon in component Cascader
* feat: use icon in component Collapse
* feat: use icon in component Datepicker
* feat: use icon in component Dropdown
* feat: use icon in component Form
* feat: use icon in component Input
* feat: use icon in component InputNumber
* feat: use icon in component Layout
* feat: use icon in component Mention
* feat: use icon in component Message
* feat: use icon in component Modal
* feat: use icon in component Notification
* feat: use icon in component PageHeader
* feat: use icon in component Pagination
* feat: use icon in component Popconfirm
* feat: use icon in component Progress
* feat: use icon in component Rate
* feat: use icon in component Result
* feat: use icon in component Select
* feat: use icon in component Step
* feat: use icon in component Switch
* feat: use icon in component Table
* feat: use icon in component Tab
* feat: use icon in component Tag
* feat: handle rest component which using Icon
* fix: remove unused vars
* feat: use latest alpha ant design icons
* fix: failed test in uploadlist.test.js
* test: update snapshot for icons
* doc: add Icon for site
* doc: use @ant-design/icons in site
* chore: use latest icons
* fix: tslint issue
* fix: test cases
* fix: types for react
* fix: lint rules for import orders
* fix: use @ant-design/icons@4.0.0-alpha.5 to avoid insert css in server render
* fix: eslint error in demo/**.md
* inject antd icons
* update snapshot
* fix site
* doc: update docs
* fix: code snippets icon in site
* feat: use latest @ant-design/icons
* fix: icon props in message
* docs: add api first appearance
* docs: fix auto-complete doc
* docs: replace Version Added with Version
* docs: date picker common method
* docs: date picker common method
* docs: tree
* docs: remove meaningless 3.0.0
* rename .stylelintrc to .stylelintrc.json for explicit file type
* add new npm script lint-fix:style
* fix pseudo-element with double colon
* function name should be lower except ignored functions
* support stylelint declaration-block-no-ignored-properties rule
* support sorted CSS properties order for readability and consistency
* autofix order of all styles by lint-fix:style script
* remove double slash comments after selector
* replace .stylelintignore with ignoreFiles in .stylelintrc.json
* master: (45 commits)
Add type definitions for Steps.Step (#14468)
add select check to fix edge wave issue (#14469)
Fix for Pagination ellipsis misalignment (#14473)
change sentry id
✅ Add sentry in ant.design
💄 New Sketch resources!
fix transfer ref (#14441)
Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave for Menu Item (#14454)
update snapshot (#14467)
📝 beautify code style in documentation (#14457)
Updating type: TreeSelectProps.getPopupContainer (#14443)
change error version
3.12.4 changelog (#14436)
Fix the bug that radio onchange will be ovrride by radioGroup onchange (#14364)
docs: updated doc for create-react-app
fix prefixCls of empty go to div (#14404)
update snapshot (#14406)
add radius on table-placeholder to fix table small size border clip (#14398)
fix style of Input.Search with enterButton (#14397)
TreeSelectProps extends AbstractSelectProps. However, the method signatures are different causing compilation issue with typescript:
Failed to compile.
Type error: Interface 'TreeSelectProps' incorrectly extends interface 'AbstractSelectProps'.
Types of property 'getPopupContainer' are incompatible.
Type '((triggerNode: Element) => HTMLElement) | undefined' is not assignable to type '((triggerNode?: Element | undefined) => HTMLElement) | undefined'.
Type '(triggerNode: Element) => HTMLElement' is not assignable to type '(triggerNode?: Element | undefined) => HTMLElement'.
Types of parameters 'triggerNode' and 'triggerNode' are incompatible.
Type 'Element | undefined' is not assignable to type 'Element'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'Element'. TS2430
24 | rootPId?: string;
25 | }
> 26 | export interface TreeSelectProps extends AbstractSelectProps {
| ^
27 | autoFocus?: boolean;
28 | defaultValue?: string | number | Array<any>;