--- order: 7 title: zh-CN: 限制用户上传的文件 en-US: Filter uploads files --- ## zh-CN 可以通过 `beforeUpload` 在文件上传之前进行干预,如限制用户只能上传 JPG 文件。 也支持异步检查,`beforeUpload` 的返回值可以是一个 Promise:[示例](http://react-component.github.io/upload/examples/beforeUpload.html)。 ## en-US You can use `beforeUpload` to check whether user can upload, for example, limit file type only to be JPG. Checking can also be asynchronous. The return value can also be a Promise for function `beforeUpload` ````jsx import { Upload, Button, Icon, message } from 'antd'; const props = { action: '/upload.do', beforeUpload(file) { const isJPG = file.type === 'image/jpeg'; if (!isJPG) { message.error('you can only upload JPG file~'); } return isJPG; }, }; ReactDOM.render( , mountNode); ````