import * as React from 'react'; import CheckCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons/CheckCircleFilled'; import CloseCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons/CloseCircleFilled'; import ExclamationCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons/ExclamationCircleFilled'; import InfoCircleFilled from '@ant-design/icons/InfoCircleFilled'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET } from '../_util/hooks/useZIndex'; import { getTransitionName } from '../_util/motion'; import { devUseWarning } from '../_util/warning'; import type { ThemeConfig } from '../config-provider'; import ConfigProvider from '../config-provider'; import { useLocale } from '../locale'; import useToken from '../theme/useToken'; import CancelBtn from './components/ConfirmCancelBtn'; import OkBtn from './components/ConfirmOkBtn'; import type { ModalContextProps } from './context'; import { ModalContextProvider } from './context'; import type { ModalFuncProps, ModalLocale } from './interface'; import Modal from './Modal'; import Confirm from './style/confirm'; export interface ConfirmDialogProps extends ModalFuncProps { prefixCls: string; afterClose?: () => void; close?: (...args: any[]) => void; /** * `close` prop support `...args` that pass to the developer * that we can not break this. * Provider `onClose` for internal usage */ onConfirm?: (confirmed: boolean) => void; autoFocusButton?: null | 'ok' | 'cancel'; rootPrefixCls?: string; iconPrefixCls?: string; /** * Only passed by static method */ theme?: ThemeConfig; /** @private Internal Usage. Do not override this */ locale?: ModalLocale; /** * Do not throw if is await mode */ isSilent?: () => boolean; } export function ConfirmContent( props: ConfirmDialogProps & { confirmPrefixCls: string; }, ) { const { prefixCls, icon, okText, cancelText, confirmPrefixCls, type, okCancel, footer, // Legacy for static function usage locale: staticLocale, ...resetProps } = props; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const warning = devUseWarning('Modal'); warning( !(typeof icon === 'string' && icon.length > 2), 'breaking', `\`icon\` is using ReactNode instead of string naming in v4. Please check \`${icon}\` at`, ); } // Icon let mergedIcon: React.ReactNode = icon; // 支持传入{ icon: null }来隐藏`Modal.confirm`默认的Icon if (!icon && icon !== null) { switch (type) { case 'info': mergedIcon = ; break; case 'success': mergedIcon = ; break; case 'error': mergedIcon = ; break; default: mergedIcon = ; } } // 默认为 true,保持向下兼容 const mergedOkCancel = okCancel ?? type === 'confirm'; const autoFocusButton = props.autoFocusButton === null ? false : props.autoFocusButton || 'ok'; const [locale] = useLocale('Modal'); const mergedLocale = staticLocale || locale; // ================== Locale Text ================== const okTextLocale = okText || (mergedOkCancel ? mergedLocale?.okText : mergedLocale?.justOkText); const cancelTextLocale = cancelText || mergedLocale?.cancelText; // ================= Context Value ================= const btnCtxValue: ModalContextProps = { autoFocusButton, cancelTextLocale, okTextLocale, mergedOkCancel, ...resetProps, }; const btnCtxValueMemo = React.useMemo(() => btnCtxValue, [...Object.values(btnCtxValue)]); // ====================== Footer Origin Node ====================== const footerOriginNode = ( <> ); const hasTitle = props.title !== undefined && props.title !== null; const bodyCls = `${confirmPrefixCls}-body`; return (
{hasTitle && {props.title}}
{footer === undefined || typeof footer === 'function' ? (
{typeof footer === 'function' ? footer(footerOriginNode, { OkBtn, CancelBtn, }) : footerOriginNode}
) : ( footer )}
); } const ConfirmDialog: React.FC = (props) => { const { close, zIndex, afterClose, open, keyboard, centered, getContainer, maskStyle, direction, prefixCls, wrapClassName, rootPrefixCls, bodyStyle, closable = false, closeIcon, modalRender, focusTriggerAfterClose, onConfirm, styles, } = props; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const warning = devUseWarning('Modal'); [ ['visible', 'open'], ['bodyStyle', 'styles.body'], ['maskStyle', 'styles.mask'], ].forEach(([deprecatedName, newName]) => { warning.deprecated(!(deprecatedName in props), deprecatedName, newName); }); } const confirmPrefixCls = `${prefixCls}-confirm`; const width = props.width || 416; const style = || {}; const mask = props.mask === undefined ? true : props.mask; // 默认为 false,保持旧版默认行为 const maskClosable = props.maskClosable === undefined ? false : props.maskClosable; const classString = classNames( confirmPrefixCls, `${confirmPrefixCls}-${props.type}`, { [`${confirmPrefixCls}-rtl`]: direction === 'rtl' }, props.className, ); // ========================= zIndex ========================= const [, token] = useToken(); const mergedZIndex = React.useMemo(() => { if (zIndex !== undefined) { return zIndex; } // Static always use max zIndex return token.zIndexPopupBase + CONTAINER_MAX_OFFSET; }, [zIndex, token]); // ========================= Render ========================= return ( { close?.({ triggerCancel: true }); onConfirm?.(false); }} open={open} title="" footer={null} transitionName={getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls || '', 'zoom', props.transitionName)} maskTransitionName={getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls || '', 'fade', props.maskTransitionName)} mask={mask} maskClosable={maskClosable} style={style} styles={{ body: bodyStyle, mask: maskStyle, ...styles }} width={width} zIndex={mergedZIndex} afterClose={afterClose} keyboard={keyboard} centered={centered} getContainer={getContainer} closable={closable} closeIcon={closeIcon} modalRender={modalRender} focusTriggerAfterClose={focusTriggerAfterClose} > ); }; const ConfirmDialogWrapper: React.FC = (props) => { const { rootPrefixCls, iconPrefixCls, direction, theme } = props; return ( ); }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { ConfirmDialog.displayName = 'ConfirmDialog'; ConfirmDialogWrapper.displayName = 'ConfirmDialogWrapper'; } export default ConfirmDialogWrapper;