import { kebabCase } from 'lodash'; import canUseDom from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/canUseDom'; import ConfigProvider from '..'; import { resetWarned } from '../../_util/warning'; let mockCanUseDom = true; jest.mock('rc-util/lib/Dom/canUseDom', () => () => mockCanUseDom); describe('ConfigProvider.Theme', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockCanUseDom = true; }); const colorList = ['primaryColor', 'successColor', 'warningColor', 'errorColor', 'infoColor']; colorList.forEach(colorName => { it(colorName, () => { ConfigProvider.config({ prefixCls: 'bamboo', theme: { [colorName]: '#0000FF' }, }); const styles: HTMLStyleElement[] = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('style')); const themeStyle = styles.find(style => style.getAttribute('rc-util-key')?.includes('-dynamic-theme'), ); expect(themeStyle).toBeTruthy(); expect(themeStyle?.innerHTML).toContain(`--bamboo-${kebabCase(colorName)}: rgb(0, 0, 255)`); }); }); it('should generate the same css variable as less algorithm', () => { const prefixCls = 'test'; const infoColor = { hover: '#40a9ff', active: '#096dd9', deprecatedBg: '#e6f7ff', deprecatedBorder: '#91d5ff', }; ConfigProvider.config({ prefixCls, theme: { infoColor: '#1890ff', }, }); const styles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('style')); const themeStyle = styles.find(style => style.getAttribute('rc-util-key')?.includes('-dynamic-theme'), ); Object.keys(infoColor).forEach((key: keyof typeof infoColor) => { expect(themeStyle?.innerHTML).toContain( `--${prefixCls}-info-color-${kebabCase(key)}: ${infoColor[key]}`, ); }); }); it('warning for SSR', () => { resetWarned(); const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); mockCanUseDom = false; expect(canUseDom()).toBeFalsy(); ConfigProvider.config({ theme: {} }); expect(errorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Warning: [antd: ConfigProvider] SSR do not support dynamic theme with css variables.', ); errorSpy.mockRestore(); }); });