import { kebabCase } from 'lodash'; import canUseDom from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/canUseDom'; import React from 'react'; import ConfigProvider from '..'; import { InputNumber } from '../..'; import { render } from '../../../tests/utils'; import { useToken } from '../../theme'; import theme from '../../theme/export'; import { resetWarned } from '../../_util/warning'; const { defaultAlgorithm, darkAlgorithm, compactAlgorithm } = theme; let mockCanUseDom = true; jest.mock('rc-util/lib/Dom/canUseDom', () => () => mockCanUseDom); describe('ConfigProvider.Theme', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockCanUseDom = true; }); const colorList = ['primaryColor', 'successColor', 'warningColor', 'errorColor', 'infoColor']; colorList.forEach(colorName => { it(colorName, () => { ConfigProvider.config({ prefixCls: 'bamboo', theme: { [colorName]: '#0000FF', }, }); const styles: any[] = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('style')); const themeStyle = styles.find(style => style.getAttribute('rc-util-key').includes('-dynamic-theme'), ); expect(themeStyle).toBeTruthy(); expect(themeStyle.innerHTML).toContain(`--bamboo-${kebabCase(colorName)}: rgb(0, 0, 255)`); }); }); it('warning for SSR', () => { resetWarned(); const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); mockCanUseDom = false; expect(canUseDom()).toBeFalsy(); ConfigProvider.config({ theme: {}, }); expect(errorSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Warning: [antd: ConfigProvider] SSR do not support dynamic theme with css variables.', ); errorSpy.mockRestore(); }); it('algorithm should work', () => { let tokenRef: any; const Demo = () => { const [, token] = useToken(); tokenRef = token; return null; }; render( , ); expect(tokenRef?.colorPrimaryText).toBe('#177ddc'); }); it('compactAlgorithm should work', () => { let tokenRef: any; const Demo = () => { const [, token] = useToken(); tokenRef = token; return null; }; render( , ); expect(tokenRef).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ sizeXXL: 48, sizeXL: 32, sizeLG: 16, sizeMD: 16, sizeMS: 12, size: 8, sizeSM: 8, sizeXS: 4, sizeXXS: 4, }), ); }); it('should support algorithm array', () => { let tokenRef: any; const Demo = () => { const [, token] = useToken(); tokenRef = token; return null; }; render( , ); expect(tokenRef?.colorPrimaryText).toBe('#177ddc'); }); it('overriding component token should work', () => { render( , ); const dynamicStyles = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('style[data-css-hash]')).map( item => item?.innerHTML ?? '', ); expect( dynamicStyles.some( style => style.includes('.ant-input-number') && style.includes('width:50.1234px'), ), ).toBeTruthy(); }); it('hashed should be true if not changed', () => { let hashId = 'hashId'; theme.defaultConfig.hashed = true; const Demo = () => { const [, , hash] = useToken(); hashId = hash; return null; }; render( , ); expect(hashId).not.toBe(''); theme.defaultConfig.hashed = false; }); it('The order does not affect the result', () => { const tokens = { a: {}, b: {}, }; const Token: React.FC<{ type: 'a' | 'b' }> = ({ type }) => { const [, token] = useToken(); tokens[type] = token; return null; }; render( <> , ); expect(tokens.a).toMatchObject(tokens.b); }); });