import React from 'react'; import Moment from 'moment'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import MockDate from 'mockdate'; import Calendar from '..'; import Header from '../Header'; describe('Calendar', () => { it('Calendar should be selectable', () => { const onSelect = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-cell') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(onSelect).toBeCalledWith(expect.anything()); const value = onSelect.mock.calls[0][0]; expect(Moment.isMoment(value)).toBe(true); }); it('only Valid range should be selectable', () => { const onSelect = jest.fn(); const validRange = [Moment('2018-02-02'), Moment('2018-02-18')]; const wrapper = mount( , ); wrapper .find('[title="February 1, 2018"]') .at(0) .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('[title="February 2, 2018"]') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(onSelect.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('dates other than in valid range should be disabled', () => { const onSelect = jest.fn(); const validRange = [Moment('2018-02-02'), Moment('2018-02-18')]; const wrapper = mount( , ); wrapper .find('[title="February 20, 2018"]') .at(0) .simulate('click'); const elem = wrapper .find('[title="February 20, 2018"]') .hasClass('ant-fullcalendar-disabled-cell'); expect(elem).toEqual(true); expect(onSelect.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); it('months other than in valid range should be disabled', () => { const onSelect = jest.fn(); const validRange = [Moment('2018-02-02'), Moment('2018-05-18')]; const wrapper = mount( , ); expect( wrapper .find('[title="Jan"]') .at(0) .hasClass('ant-fullcalendar-month-panel-cell-disabled'), ).toBe(true); expect( wrapper .find('[title="Feb"]') .at(0) .hasClass('ant-fullcalendar-month-panel-cell-disabled'), ).toBe(false); expect( wrapper .find('[title="Jun"]') .at(0) .hasClass('ant-fullcalendar-month-panel-cell-disabled'), ).toBe(true); wrapper .find('[title="Jan"]') .at(0) .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('[title="Mar"]') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(onSelect.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('months other than in valid range should not be shown in header', () => { const validRange = [Moment('2017-02-02'), Moment('2018-05-18')]; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-year-select') .hostNodes() .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('.ant-select-dropdown-menu-item') .first() .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-month-select') .hostNodes() .simulate('click'); // 2 years and 11 months expect(wrapper.find('.ant-select-dropdown-menu-item').length).toBe(13); }); it('getDateRange should returns a disabledDate function', () => { const validRange = [Moment('2018-02-02'), Moment('2018-05-18')]; const wrapper = mount(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); const disabledDate = instance.getDateRange(validRange); expect(disabledDate(Moment('2018-06-02'))).toBe(true); expect(disabledDate(Moment('2018-04-02'))).toBe(false); }); it('Calendar should change mode by prop', () => { const monthMode = 'month'; const yearMode = 'year'; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().mode).toEqual(monthMode); wrapper.setProps({ mode: 'year' }); expect(wrapper.state().mode).toEqual(yearMode); }); it('Calendar should switch mode', () => { const monthMode = 'month'; const yearMode = 'year'; const onPanelChangeStub = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().mode).toEqual(yearMode); wrapper.setProps({ mode: monthMode }); expect(wrapper.state().mode).toEqual(monthMode); expect(onPanelChangeStub).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); it('Calendar should support locale', () => { MockDate.set(Moment('2018-10-19')); // eslint-disable-next-line const zhCN = require('../locale/zh_CN').default; const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.render()).toMatchSnapshot(); MockDate.reset(); }); it('should trigger onPanelChange when click last month of date', () => { const onPanelChange = jest.fn(); const date = new Moment('1990-09-03'); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-cell') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(onPanelChange).toBeCalled(); expect(onPanelChange.mock.calls[0][0].month()).toEqual(date.month() - 1); }); it('switch should work correctly without prop mode', async () => { const onPanelChange = jest.fn(); const date = new Moment(new Date(Date.UTC(2017, 7, 9, 8))); const wrapper = mount(); expect(wrapper.state().mode).toBe('month'); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-fullcalendar-table').length).toBe(1); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-fullcalendar-month-panel-table').length).toBe(0); wrapper.find('.ant-radio-button-input[value="year"]').simulate('change'); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-fullcalendar-table').length).toBe(0); expect(wrapper.find('.ant-fullcalendar-month-panel-table').length).toBe(1); expect(onPanelChange).toBeCalled(); expect(onPanelChange.mock.calls[0][1]).toEqual('year'); }); const createWrapper = (start, end, value, onValueChange) => { const wrapper = mount(
, ); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-year-select') .hostNodes() .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('.ant-select-dropdown-menu-item') .at(0) .simulate('click'); }; it('if value.month > end.month, set value.month to end.month', () => { const value = new Moment('1990-01-03'); const start = new Moment('2019-04-01'); const end = new Moment('2019-11-01'); const onValueChange = jest.fn(); createWrapper(start, end, value, onValueChange); expect(onValueChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value.year('2019').month('3')); }); it('if start.month > value.month, set value.month to start.month ', () => { const value = new Moment('1990-01-03'); const start = new Moment('2019-11-01'); const end = new Moment('2019-03-01'); const onValueChange = jest.fn(); createWrapper(start, end, value, onValueChange); expect(onValueChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value.year('2019').month('10')); }); it('onMonthChange should work correctly', () => { const start = new Moment('2018-11-01'); const end = new Moment('2019-03-01'); const value = new Moment('2018-12-03'); const onValueChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(
, ); wrapper .find('.ant-fullcalendar-month-select') .hostNodes() .simulate('click'); wrapper .find('.ant-select-dropdown-menu-item') .at(0) .simulate('click'); expect(onValueChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(value.month(10)); }); it('onTypeChange should work correctly', () => { const onTypeChange = jest.fn(); const value = new Moment('2018-12-03'); const wrapper = mount(
, ); wrapper .find('input') .at(1) .simulate('change'); expect(onTypeChange).toBeCalledWith('year'); }); });