// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/back-top.tsx correctly 1`] = `
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
Scroll to bottom
`; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/basic.tsx correctly 1`] = ` `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/description.tsx correctly 1`] = ` Array [ , , , ] `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/group.tsx correctly 1`] = ` Array [
, ] `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/group-menu.tsx correctly 1`] = ` Array [
, ] `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/render-panel.tsx correctly 1`] = `
`; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/shape.tsx correctly 1`] = ` Array [ , , ] `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/tooltip.tsx correctly 1`] = ` `; exports[`renders components/float-button/demo/type.tsx correctly 1`] = ` Array [ , , ] `;