// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Tour Primary 1`] = `
primary title
primary description.
`; exports[`Tour basic 1`] = `
`; exports[`Tour button props onClick 1`] = `
`; exports[`Tour custom step pre btn & next btn className & style 1`] = `
Show in Center
Here is the content of Tour.
`; exports[`Tour rtl render component should be rendered correctly in RTL direction 1`] = `null`; exports[`Tour single 1`] = `
cover title
cover description.
`; exports[`Tour step support Primary 1`] = `
primary title
primary description.
`; exports[`Tour steps is empty 1`] = `
`; exports[`Tour steps props indicatorsRender 1`] = `