// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Input allowClear should change type when click 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should change type when click 2`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if defaultValue is undefined, null or empty string 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if defaultValue is undefined, null or empty string 2`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if defaultValue is undefined, null or empty string 3`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if value is undefined, null or empty string 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if value is undefined, null or empty string 2`] = ` `; exports[`Input allowClear should not show icon if value is undefined, null or empty string 3`] = ` `; exports[`Input rtl render component should be rendered correctly in RTL direction 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input rtl render component should be rendered correctly in RTL direction 2`] = ` `; exports[`Input should support maxLength 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input should support size 1`] = ` `; exports[`Input should support size in form 1`] = `
`; exports[`Input.Search should support suffix 1`] = ` suffix `;