// deps-lint-skip-all import { CSSInterpolation, CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { DerivativeToken, UseComponentStyleResult, useStyleRegister, useToken, withPrefix, } from '../../_util/theme'; // ============================== Shared ============================== const genSharedButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, ): CSSObject => ({ outline: 'none', position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', fontWeight: 400, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textAlign: 'center', backgroundImage: 'none', backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: `${token.borderWidth}px ${token.borderStyle} transparent`, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${token.duration} ${token.easeInOut}`, userSelect: 'none', touchAction: 'manipulation', lineHeight: token.lineHeight, color: token.textColor, '> span': { display: 'inline-block', }, // Leave a space between icon and text. [`> .${iconPrefixCls} + span, > span + .${iconPrefixCls}`]: { marginInlineStart: token.marginXS, }, [`&.${prefixCls}-block`]: { width: '100%', }, }); const genHoverActiveButtonStyle = (hoverStyle: CSSObject, activeStyle: CSSObject): CSSObject => ({ '&:not(:disabled)': { '&:hover, &:focus': hoverStyle, '&:active': activeStyle, }, }); // ============================== Shape =============================== const genCircleButtonStyle = (token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ minWidth: token.height, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, borderRadius: '50%', }); const genRoundButtonStyle = (token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ borderRadius: token.height, paddingLeft: token.height / 2, paddingRight: token.height / 2, width: 'auto', }); // =============================== Type =============================== const genGhostButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, textColor: string | false, borderColor: string | false, textColorDisabled: string | false, borderColorDisabled: string | false, ): CSSObject => ({ [`&.${prefixCls}-background-ghost`]: { color: textColor || undefined, backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: borderColor || undefined, '&:disabled': { cursor: 'not-allowed', color: textColorDisabled || undefined, borderColor: borderColorDisabled || undefined, }, }, }); const genSolidDisabledButtonStyle = (token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ '&:disabled': { cursor: 'not-allowed', borderColor: token.borderColor, color: token.textColorDisabled, backgroundColor: token.componentBackgroundDisabled, boxShadow: 'none', }, }); const genSolidButtonStyle = (token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ borderRadius: token.borderRadius, ...genSolidDisabledButtonStyle(token), }); const genPureDisabledButtonStyle = (token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ '&:disabled': { cursor: 'not-allowed', color: token.textColorDisabled, }, }); // Type: Default const genDefaultButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ ...genSolidButtonStyle(token), backgroundColor: token.componentBackground, borderColor: token.borderColor, boxShadow: '0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.015)', ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { color: token.primaryHoverColor, borderColor: token.primaryHoverColor, }, { color: token.primaryActiveColor, borderColor: token.primaryActiveColor, }, ), ...genGhostButtonStyle( prefixCls, token.componentBackground, token.componentBackground, token.textColorDisabled, token.borderColor, ), [`&.${prefixCls}-dangerous`]: { color: token.errorColor, borderColor: token.errorColor, ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { color: token.errorHoverColor, borderColor: token.errorHoverColor, }, { color: token.errorActiveColor, borderColor: token.errorActiveColor, }, ), ...genGhostButtonStyle( prefixCls, token.errorColor, token.errorColor, token.textColorDisabled, token.borderColor, ), ...genSolidDisabledButtonStyle(token), }, }); // Type: Primary const genPrimaryButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ ...genSolidButtonStyle(token), color: '#FFF', backgroundColor: token.primaryColor, boxShadow: '0 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.045)', ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { backgroundColor: token.primaryHoverColor, }, { backgroundColor: token.primaryActiveColor, }, ), ...genGhostButtonStyle( prefixCls, token.primaryColor, token.primaryColor, token.textColorDisabled, token.borderColor, ), [`&.${prefixCls}-dangerous`]: { backgroundColor: token.errorColor, ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { backgroundColor: token.errorHoverColor, }, { backgroundColor: token.errorActiveColor, }, ), ...genGhostButtonStyle( prefixCls, token.errorColor, token.errorColor, token.textColorDisabled, token.borderColor, ), ...genSolidDisabledButtonStyle(token), }, }); // Type: Dashed const genDashedButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ ...genDefaultButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), borderStyle: 'dashed', }); // Type: Link const genLinkButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => ({ color: token.linkColor, ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { color: token.primaryHoverColor, }, { color: token.primaryActiveColor, }, ), ...genPureDisabledButtonStyle(token), [`&.${prefixCls}-dangerous`]: { color: token.errorColor, ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { color: token.errorHoverColor, }, { color: token.errorActiveColor, }, ), ...genPureDisabledButtonStyle(token), }, }); // Type: Text const genTextButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSObject => { const backgroundColor = new TinyColor({ r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.018 }); return { ...genHoverActiveButtonStyle( { backgroundColor: backgroundColor.toRgbString(), }, { backgroundColor: backgroundColor .clone() .setAlpha(backgroundColor.getAlpha() * 1.5) .toRgbString(), }, ), ...genPureDisabledButtonStyle(token), [`&.${prefixCls}-dangerous`]: { color: token.errorColor, ...genPureDisabledButtonStyle(token), }, }; }; const genTypeButtonStyle = (prefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken): CSSInterpolation => [ withPrefix(genDefaultButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), `${prefixCls}-default`, []), withPrefix(genPrimaryButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), `${prefixCls}-primary`, []), withPrefix(genDashedButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), `${prefixCls}-dashed`, []), withPrefix(genLinkButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), `${prefixCls}-link`, []), withPrefix(genTextButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), `${prefixCls}-text`, []), ]; // =============================== Size =============================== const genSizeButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, sizePrefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, ): CSSInterpolation => { const paddingVertical = Math.max( 0, (token.height - token.fontSize * token.lineHeight) / 2 - token.borderWidth, ); const paddingHorizontal = token.padding - token.borderWidth; const iconOnlyCls = `.${prefixCls}-icon-only`; return [ // Size withPrefix( { fontSize: token.fontSize, height: token.height, padding: `${paddingVertical}px ${paddingHorizontal}px`, [`&${iconOnlyCls}`]: { width: token.height, paddingLeft: 0, paddingRight: 0, '> span': { transform: 'scale(1.143)', // 14px -> 16px }, }, // Loading [`&.${prefixCls}-loading`]: { opacity: 0.65, cursor: 'default', }, [`.${prefixCls}-loading-icon`]: { transition: `width ${token.duration} ${token.easeInOut}, opacity ${token.duration} ${token.easeInOut}`, }, [`&:not(${iconOnlyCls}) .${prefixCls}-loading-icon > .${iconPrefixCls}`]: { marginInlineEnd: token.marginXS, }, }, prefixCls, [sizePrefixCls], ), // Shape - patch prefixCls again to override solid border radius style withPrefix(genCircleButtonStyle(token), `${prefixCls}-circle`, [prefixCls, sizePrefixCls]), withPrefix(genRoundButtonStyle(token), `${prefixCls}-round`, [prefixCls, sizePrefixCls]), ]; }; const genSizeBaseButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, ): CSSInterpolation => genSizeButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, '', token); const genSizeSmallButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, ): CSSInterpolation => { const largeToken: DerivativeToken = { ...token, height: token.heightSM, padding: token.paddingXS, }; return genSizeButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, `${prefixCls}-sm`, largeToken); }; const genSizeLargeButtonStyle = ( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, token: DerivativeToken, ): CSSInterpolation => { const largeToken: DerivativeToken = { ...token, height: token.heightLG, fontSize: token.fontSizeLG, }; return genSizeButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, `${prefixCls}-lg`, largeToken); }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default function useStyle( prefixCls: string, iconPrefixCls: string, ): UseComponentStyleResult { const [theme, token, hashId] = useToken(); return [ useStyleRegister({ theme, token, hashId, path: [prefixCls] }, () => [ // Shared withPrefix(genSharedButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, token), prefixCls), // Size genSizeSmallButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, token), genSizeBaseButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, token), genSizeLargeButtonStyle(prefixCls, iconPrefixCls, token), // Group (type, ghost, danger, disabled, loading) genTypeButtonStyle(prefixCls, token), ]), hashId, ]; }