import React from 'react'; import { Button, ConfigProvider, Tabs } from 'antd'; const App: React.FC = () => (
Extra Action} style={{ marginBottom: 32 }} items={new Array(3).fill(null).map((_, i) => { const id = String(i + 1); return { label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of tab ${id}`, }; })} /> Extra Action} style={{ marginBottom: 32 }} items={new Array(3).fill(null).map((_, i) => { const id = String(i + 1); return { label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of tab ${id}`, }; })} /> Extra Action} style={{ marginBottom: 32 }} items={new Array(3).fill(null).map((_, i) => { const id = String(i + 1); return { label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of tab ${id}`, }; })} /> Extra Action} style={{ marginBottom: 32 }} items={new Array(3).fill(null).map((_, i) => { const id = String(i + 1); return { label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of tab ${id}`, }; })} /> { const id = String(i + 1); return { disabled: i === 2, label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of Tab Pane ${id}`, }; })} /> { const id = String(i + 1); return { disabled: i === 2, label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of Tab Pane ${id}`, }; })} /> { const id = String(i + 1); return { disabled: i === 2, label: `Tab ${id}`, key: id, children: `Content of Tab Pane ${id}`, }; })} />
); export default App;