/* tslint:disable jsx-no-multiline-js */ import React from 'react'; import moment from 'moment'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import RangeCalendar from 'rc-calendar/lib/RangeCalendar'; import RcDatePicker from 'rc-calendar/lib/Picker'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import Icon from '../icon'; import { getLocaleCode } from '../_util/getLocale'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; function getShowDateFromValue(value: moment.Moment[]): moment.Moment[] | undefined { const [ start, end ] = value; // value could be an empty array, then we should not reset showDate if (!start && !end) { return; } const newEnd = end && end.isSame(start, 'month') ? end.clone().add(1, 'month') : end; return [start, newEnd]; } function formatValue(value: moment.Moment | undefined, format: string): string { return (value && value.format(format)) || ''; } function pickerValueAdapter(value?: moment.Moment | moment.Moment[]): moment.Moment[] | undefined { if (!value) { return; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } return [value, value.clone().add(1, 'month')]; } function isEmptyArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr.length === 0 || arr.every(i => !i); } return false; } export default class RangePicker extends React.Component { static contextTypes = { antLocale: PropTypes.object, }; static defaultProps = { prefixCls: 'ant-calendar', allowClear: true, showToday: false, }; constructor(props) { super(props); const value = props.value || props.defaultValue || []; if ( value[0] && !moment.isMoment(value[0]) || value[1] && !moment.isMoment(value[1]) ) { throw new Error( 'The value/defaultValue of RangePicker must be a moment object array after `antd@2.0`, ' + 'see: http://u.ant.design/date-picker-value', ); } const pickerValue = !value || isEmptyArray(value) ? props.defaultPickerValue : value; this.state = { value, showDate: pickerValueAdapter(pickerValue || moment()), open: props.open, hoverValue: [], }; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if ('value' in nextProps) { const state = this.state; const value = nextProps.value || []; this.setState({ value, showDate: getShowDateFromValue(value) || state.showDate, }); } if ('open' in nextProps) { this.setState({ open: nextProps.open, }); } } clearSelection = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ value: [] }); this.handleChange([]); } clearHoverValue = () => this.setState({ hoverValue: [] }); handleChange = (value: moment.Moment[]) => { const props = this.props; if (!('value' in props)) { this.setState({ value, showDate: getShowDateFromValue(value) }); } props.onChange(value, [ formatValue(value[0], props.format), formatValue(value[1], props.format), ]); } handleOpenChange = (open) => { this.setState({ open }); const { onOpenChange } = this.props; if (onOpenChange) { onOpenChange(open); } } handleShowDateChange = showDate => this.setState({ showDate }); handleHoverChange = hoverValue => this.setState({ hoverValue }); setValue(value) { this.handleChange(value); if (!this.props.showTime) { this.setState({ open: false }); } } renderFooter = (...args) => { const { prefixCls, ranges, renderExtraFooter } = this.props; if (!ranges && !renderExtraFooter) { return null; } const customFooter = renderExtraFooter ? (
) : null; const operations = Object.keys(ranges || {}).map((range) => { const value = ranges[range]; return ( this.setValue(value)} onMouseEnter={() => this.setState({ hoverValue: value })} onMouseLeave={this.clearHoverValue} > {range} ); }); const rangeNode = (
); return [rangeNode, customFooter]; } render() { const { state, props, context } = this; const { value, showDate, hoverValue, open } = state; const localeCode = getLocaleCode(context); if (value && localeCode) { if (value[0]) { value[0].locale(localeCode); } if (value[1]) { value[1].locale(localeCode); } } const { prefixCls, popupStyle, style, disabledDate, disabledTime, showTime, showToday, ranges, onOk, locale, format, } = props; warning(!('onOK' in props), 'It should be `RangePicker[onOk]`, instead of `onOK`!'); const calendarClassName = classNames({ [`${prefixCls}-time`]: showTime, [`${prefixCls}-range-with-ranges`]: ranges, }); // 需要选择时间时,点击 ok 时才触发 onChange let pickerChangeHandler = { onChange: this.handleChange, }; let calendarHandler: Object = { onOk: this.handleChange, }; if (props.timePicker) { pickerChangeHandler.onChange = changedValue => this.handleChange(changedValue); } else { calendarHandler = {}; } const startPlaceholder = ('placeholder' in props) ? props.placeholder[0] : locale.lang.rangePlaceholder[0]; const endPlaceholder = ('placeholder' in props) ? props.placeholder[1] : locale.lang.rangePlaceholder[1]; const calendar = ( ); // default width for showTime const pickerStyle = {} as any; if (props.showTime) { pickerStyle.width = (style && style.width) || 300; } const clearIcon = (!props.disabled && props.allowClear && value && (value[0] || value[1])) ? ( ) : null; const input = ({ value: inputValue }) => { const start = inputValue[0]; const end = inputValue[1]; return ( ~ {clearIcon} ); }; return ( {input} ); } }