--- order: 26 title: en-US: Drag sorting zh-CN: 拖拽排序 --- ## zh-CN 使用自定义元素,我们可以集成 react-dnd 来实现拖拽排序。 ## en-US By using custom components, we can integrate table with react-dnd to implement drag sorting. ```jsx import React, { useState, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import { Table } from 'antd'; import { DndProvider, useDrag, useDrop } from 'react-dnd'; import { HTML5Backend } from 'react-dnd-html5-backend'; import update from 'immutability-helper'; const type = 'DragableBodyRow'; const DragableBodyRow = ({ index, moveRow, className, style, ...restProps }) => { const ref = React.useRef(); const [{ isOver, dropClassName }, drop] = useDrop( () => ({ accept: type, collect: monitor => { const { index: dragIndex } = monitor.getItem() || {}; if (dragIndex === index) { return {}; } return { isOver: monitor.isOver(), dropClassName: dragIndex < index ? ' drop-over-downward' : ' drop-over-upward', }; }, drop: item => { moveRow(item.index, index); }, }), [index], ); const [, drag] = useDrag( () => ({ item: { type, index }, collect: monitor => ({ isDragging: monitor.isDragging(), }), }), [], ); drop(drag(ref)); return (