--- order: 5 title: zh-CN: 连接线 en-US: Tree with line --- ## zh-CN 节点之间带连接线的树,常用于文件目录结构展示。使用 `showLine` 开启,可以用 `switcherIcon` 修改默认图标。 ## en-US Tree with connected line between nodes, turn on by `showLine`, customize the preseted icon by `switcherIcon`. ```jsx import { Tree, Icon, Switch } from 'antd'; const { TreeNode } = Tree; class Demo extends React.Component { state = { showLine: true, showIcon: false, } onShowLineChange = showLine => { this.setState({ showLine }); } onShowIconChange = showIcon => { this.setState({ showIcon }); } render() { const { showIcon, showLine } = this.state; return (