--- order: 11 title: zh-CN: 自定义新增页签触发器 en-US: Customized trigger of new tab --- ## zh-CN 隐藏默认的页签增加图标,给自定义触发器绑定事件。 ## en-US Hide default plus icon, and bind event for customized trigger. ```tsx import { Button, Tabs } from 'antd'; import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'; const { TabPane } = Tabs; const defaultPanes = Array.from({ length: 2 }).map((_, index) => { const id = String(index + 1); return { title: `Tab ${id}`, content: `Content of Tab Pane ${index + 1}`, key: id }; }); const App: React.FC = () => { const [activeKey, setActiveKey] = useState(defaultPanes[0].key); const [panes, setPanes] = useState(defaultPanes); const newTabIndex = useRef(0); const onChange = (key: string) => { setActiveKey(key); }; const add = () => { const newActiveKey = `newTab${newTabIndex.current++}`; setPanes([...panes, { title: 'New Tab', content: 'New Tab Pane', key: newActiveKey }]); setActiveKey(newActiveKey); }; const remove = (targetKey: string) => { const targetIndex = panes.findIndex(pane => pane.key === targetKey); const newPanes = panes.filter(pane => pane.key !== targetKey); if (newPanes.length && targetKey === activeKey) { const { key } = newPanes[targetIndex === newPanes.length ? targetIndex - 1 : targetIndex]; setActiveKey(key); } setPanes(newPanes); }; const onEdit = (targetKey: string, action: 'add' | 'remove') => { if (action === 'add') { add(); } else { remove(targetKey); } }; return (
{panes.map(pane => ( {pane.content} ))}
); }; export default App; ```