import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { genModalMaskStyle } from '../../modal/style'; import { resetComponent, textEllipsis } from '../../style'; import { initFadeMotion, initZoomMotion } from '../../style/motion'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 预览浮层 z-index * @descEN z-index of preview popup */ zIndexPopup: number; /** * @desc 预览操作图标大小 * @descEN Size of preview operation icon */ previewOperationSize: number; /** * @desc 预览操作图标颜色 * @descEN Color of preview operation icon */ previewOperationColor: string; /** * @desc 预览操作图标禁用颜色 * @descEN Disabled color of preview operation icon */ previewOperationColorDisabled: string; } export interface ImageToken extends FullToken<'Image'> { previewCls: string; modalMaskBg: string; imagePreviewSwitchSize: number; } export type PositionType = 'static' | 'relative' | 'fixed' | 'absolute' | 'sticky' | undefined; export const genBoxStyle = (position?: PositionType): CSSObject => ({ position: position || 'absolute', inset: 0, }); export const genImageMaskStyle = (token: ImageToken): CSSObject => { const { iconCls, motionDurationSlow, paddingXXS, marginXXS, prefixCls } = token; return { position: 'absolute', inset: 0, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', color: '#fff', background: new TinyColor('#000').setAlpha(0.5).toRgbString(), cursor: 'pointer', opacity: 0, transition: `opacity ${motionDurationSlow}`, [`.${prefixCls}-mask-info`]: { ...textEllipsis, padding: `0 ${paddingXXS}px`, [iconCls]: { marginInlineEnd: marginXXS, svg: { verticalAlign: 'baseline', }, }, }, }; }; export const genPreviewOperationsStyle = (token: ImageToken): CSSObject => { const { previewCls, modalMaskBg, paddingSM, previewOperationColorDisabled, motionDurationSlow } = token; const operationBg = new TinyColor(modalMaskBg).setAlpha(0.1); const operationBgHover = operationBg.clone().setAlpha(0.2); return { [`${previewCls}-operations`]: { ...resetComponent(token), display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'row-reverse', alignItems: 'center', color: token.previewOperationColor, listStyle: 'none', background: operationBg.toRgbString(), pointerEvents: 'auto', '&-operation': { marginInlineStart: paddingSM, padding: paddingSM, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, userSelect: 'none', '&:hover': { background: operationBgHover.toRgbString(), }, '&-disabled': { color: previewOperationColorDisabled, pointerEvents: 'none', }, '&:last-of-type': { marginInlineStart: 0, }, }, '&-progress': { position: 'absolute', left: { _skip_check_: true, value: '50%' }, transform: 'translateX(-50%)', }, '&-icon': { fontSize: token.previewOperationSize, }, }, }; }; export const genPreviewSwitchStyle = (token: ImageToken): CSSObject => { const { modalMaskBg, iconCls, previewOperationColorDisabled, previewCls, zIndexPopup, motionDurationSlow, } = token; const operationBg = new TinyColor(modalMaskBg).setAlpha(0.1); const operationBgHover = operationBg.clone().setAlpha(0.2); return { [`${previewCls}-switch-left, ${previewCls}-switch-right`]: { position: 'fixed', insetBlockStart: '50%', zIndex: zIndexPopup + 1, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', width: token.imagePreviewSwitchSize, height: token.imagePreviewSwitchSize, marginTop: -token.imagePreviewSwitchSize / 2, color: token.previewOperationColor, background: operationBg.toRgbString(), borderRadius: '50%', transform: `translateY(-50%)`, cursor: 'pointer', transition: `all ${motionDurationSlow}`, pointerEvents: 'auto', userSelect: 'none', '&:hover': { background: operationBgHover.toRgbString(), }, [`&-disabled`]: { '&, &:hover': { color: previewOperationColorDisabled, background: 'transparent', cursor: 'not-allowed', [`> ${iconCls}`]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }, }, [`> ${iconCls}`]: { fontSize: token.previewOperationSize, }, }, [`${previewCls}-switch-left`]: { insetInlineStart: token.marginSM, }, [`${previewCls}-switch-right`]: { insetInlineEnd: token.marginSM, }, }; }; export const genImagePreviewStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: ImageToken) => { const { motionEaseOut, previewCls, motionDurationSlow, componentCls } = token; return [ { [`${componentCls}-preview-root`]: { [previewCls]: { height: '100%', textAlign: 'center', pointerEvents: 'none', }, [`${previewCls}-body`]: { ...genBoxStyle(), overflow: 'hidden', }, [`${previewCls}-img`]: { maxWidth: '100%', maxHeight: '100%', verticalAlign: 'middle', transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)', cursor: 'grab', transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseOut} 0s`, userSelect: 'none', pointerEvents: 'auto', '&-wrapper': { ...genBoxStyle(), transition: `transform ${motionDurationSlow} ${motionEaseOut} 0s`, // // TailwindCSS will reset img default style. // Let's set back. display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', '&::before': { display: 'inline-block', width: 1, height: '50%', marginInlineEnd: -1, content: '""', }, }, }, [`${previewCls}-moving`]: { [`${previewCls}-preview-img`]: { cursor: 'grabbing', '&-wrapper': { transitionDuration: '0s', }, }, }, }, }, // Override { [`${componentCls}-preview-root`]: { [`${previewCls}-wrap`]: { zIndex: token.zIndexPopup, }, }, }, // Preview operations & switch { [`${componentCls}-preview-operations-wrapper`]: { position: 'fixed', insetBlockStart: 0, insetInlineEnd: 0, zIndex: token.zIndexPopup + 1, width: '100%', }, '&': [genPreviewOperationsStyle(token), genPreviewSwitchStyle(token)], }, ]; }; const genImageStyle: GenerateStyle = (token: ImageToken) => { const { componentCls } = token; return { // ============================== image ============================== [componentCls]: { position: 'relative', display: 'inline-block', [`${componentCls}-img`]: { width: '100%', height: 'auto', verticalAlign: 'middle', }, [`${componentCls}-img-placeholder`]: { backgroundColor: token.colorBgContainerDisabled, backgroundImage: "url('')", backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'center center', backgroundSize: '30%', }, [`${componentCls}-mask`]: { ...genImageMaskStyle(token), }, [`${componentCls}-mask:hover`]: { opacity: 1, }, [`${componentCls}-placeholder`]: { ...genBoxStyle(), }, }, }; }; const genPreviewMotion: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { previewCls } = token; return { [`${previewCls}-root`]: initZoomMotion(token, 'zoom'), [`&`]: initFadeMotion(token, true), }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook( 'Image', (token) => { const previewCls = `${token.componentCls}-preview`; const imageToken = mergeToken(token, { previewCls, modalMaskBg: new TinyColor('#000').setAlpha(0.45).toRgbString(), // FIXME: Shared Token imagePreviewSwitchSize: token.controlHeightLG, }); return [ genImageStyle(imageToken), genImagePreviewStyle(imageToken), genModalMaskStyle(mergeToken(imageToken, { componentCls: previewCls })), genPreviewMotion(imageToken), ]; }, (token) => ({ zIndexPopup: token.zIndexPopupBase + 80, previewOperationColor: new TinyColor(token.colorTextLightSolid).toRgbString(), previewOperationColorDisabled: new TinyColor(token.colorTextLightSolid) .setAlpha(0.25) .toRgbString(), previewOperationSize: token.fontSizeIcon * 1.5, // FIXME: fontSizeIconLG }), );