@import './index'; @select-selection-height: @input-height-base - @input-padding-vertical-base * 2; @select-multiple-padding: @input-padding-vertical-base; @select-multiple-item-margin-vertical: round( (@select-selection-height - @font-size-base * @line-height-base) / 2 * 10 ) / 10; /** * Do not merge `height` & `line-height` under style with `selection` & `search`, * since chrome may update to redesign with its align logic. */ .@{select-prefix-cls}-multiple { // ========================= Selector ========================= .@{select-prefix-cls}-selector { .select-selector(); .select-search-input-without-border(); display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: center; // Multiple is little different that horizontal is follow the vertical padding: @select-multiple-padding @select-multiple-padding; .@{select-prefix-cls}-show-search& { cursor: text; } } &.@{select-prefix-cls}-allow-clear .@{select-prefix-cls}-selector { padding-right: @font-size-sm + @control-padding-horizontal; } // ======================== Selections ======================== .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-item { position: relative; display: flex; flex: none; box-sizing: border-box; max-width: 100%; height: @select-selection-height; margin-top: -@select-multiple-item-margin-vertical; margin-right: @input-padding-vertical-base; margin-bottom: -@select-multiple-item-margin-vertical; padding: 0 (@padding-xs / 2) 0 @padding-xs; line-height: @select-selection-height - @border-width-base * 2; background: @select-selection-item-bg; border: 1px solid @select-selection-item-border-color; border-radius: @border-radius-base; cursor: default; transition: font-size 0.3s, line-height 0.3s, height 0.3s; user-select: none; .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { margin-right: 0; margin-left: @input-padding-vertical-base; text-align: right; } // It's ok not to do this, but 24px makes bottom narrow in view should adjust &-content { display: inline-block; margin-right: @padding-xs / 2; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; transform: translateY(-1px); .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { margin-right: 0; margin-left: @padding-xs / 2; text-align: right; } } &-remove { .iconfont-mixin(); display: inline-block; color: @text-color-secondary; font-weight: bold; font-size: @font-size-sm; line-height: inherit; cursor: pointer; .iconfont-size-under-12px(10px); &:hover { color: @icon-color-hover; } } } // ========================== Input ========================== .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-search { position: relative; margin-left: @select-multiple-padding / 2; .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { margin-right: @select-multiple-padding / 2; margin-left: @input-padding-vertical-base; } &-input, &-mirror { font-family: @font-family; line-height: @line-height-base; transition: all 0.3s; } &-input { width: 100%; } &-mirror { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 999; white-space: nowrap; visibility: hidden; .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { right: 0; left: auto; } } } // ======================= Placeholder ======================= .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-placeholder { position: absolute; top: 50%; right: @input-padding-horizontal; left: @input-padding-horizontal; transform: translateY(-50%); transition: all 0.3s; .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { right: @input-padding-horizontal; left: auto; } } // ============================================================ // == Size == // ============================================================ .select-size(@suffix, @input-height) { @merged-cls: ~'@{select-prefix-cls}-@{suffix}'; &.@{merged-cls} { @select-selection-height: @input-height - @input-padding-vertical-base * 2; @select-height-without-border: @input-height - @border-width-base * 2; .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-item { height: @select-selection-height; line-height: @select-selection-height - @border-width-base * 2; } .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-search { height: @select-selection-height + @select-multiple-padding; &-input, &-mirror { height: @select-selection-height; line-height: @select-selection-height - @border-width-base * 2; } } } } .select-size('lg', @input-height-lg); .select-size('sm', @input-height-sm); // Size small need additional set padding &.@{select-prefix-cls}-sm { .@{select-prefix-cls}-selection-placeholder { left: @input-padding-horizontal-sm; .@{select-prefix-cls}-rtl& { right: @input-padding-horizontal-sm; } } } }