import React from 'react'; import type { TableProps } from '..'; import Table from '..'; import mountTest from '../../../tests/shared/mountTest'; import rtlTest from '../../../tests/shared/rtlTest'; import { fireEvent, render, waitFakeTimer } from '../../../tests/utils'; const { Column, ColumnGroup } = Table; describe('Table', () => { mountTest(Table); rtlTest(Table); const warnSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); afterAll(() => { warnSpy.mockRestore(); }); it('renders JSX correctly', () => { const data = [ { key: '1', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Brown', age: 32, }, { key: '2', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Green', age: 42, }, ]; const { asFragment } = render( {/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-curly-brace-presence */} {'invalid child'}
, ); expect(asFragment().firstChild).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('updates columns when receiving props', () => { const columns = [ { title: 'Name', key: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', }, ]; const { container, rerender } = render(); const newColumns = [ { title: 'Title', key: 'title', dataIndex: 'title', }, ]; rerender(
); expect(container.querySelector('th')?.textContent).toEqual('Title'); }); it('loading with Spin', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const loading = { spinning: false, delay: 500, }; const { container, rerender } = render(
); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-spin')).toHaveLength(0); expect(container.querySelector('.ant-table-placeholder')?.textContent).not.toEqual(''); loading.spinning = true; rerender(
); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-spin')).toHaveLength(0); await waitFakeTimer(); rerender(
); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-spin')).toHaveLength(1); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.useRealTimers(); }); // it('support loading tip', async () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); const { container, rerender } = render(
); await waitFakeTimer(); rerender(
['loading']} />, ); expect(container.querySelectorAll('.ant-spin')).toHaveLength(1); jest.clearAllTimers(); jest.useRealTimers(); }); it('props#columnsPageRange and props#columnsPageSize do not warn anymore', () => { const data = [ { key: '1', age: 32 }, { key: '2', age: 42 }, ]; const errorSpy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); const columnsPageRange = jest.fn(); const columnsPageSize = jest.fn(); const props = { columnsPageRange, columnsPageSize }; render(
, ); expect(errorSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( '`columnsPageRange` and `columnsPageSize` are removed, please use fixed columns instead, see:', ); expect(columnsPageRange).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(columnsPageSize).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('support onHeaderCell', () => { const onClick = jest.fn(); const { container } = render( ({ onClick }) }]} />, );'th')!); expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should not crash when column children is empty', () => { render(
, ); }); it('should not crash when dataSource is array with none-object items', () => { render(
['dataSource']} />, ); }); it('prevent touch event', () => { // prevent touch event, 原来的用例感觉是少了 touchmove 调用判断 const touchmove = jest.fn(); const { container } = render(
, ); fireEvent.touchMove(container.querySelector('.ant-table')!); expect(touchmove).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('renders ellipsis by showTitle option', () => { const data = [ { id: '1', age: 32, }, { id: '2', age: 42, }, ]; const columns = [ { title: 'id', dataKey: 'id', ellipsis: { showTitle: false } }, { title: 'age', dataKey: 'age', ellipsis: { showTitle: false } }, ]; const { container } = render(
); container.querySelectorAll('td').forEach(td => { expect(td.className.includes('ant-table-cell-ellipsis')).toBe(true); }); }); it('not renders ellipsis origin html title', () => { const data = [ { id: '1', age: 32, }, { id: '2', age: 42, }, ]; const columns = [ { title: 'id', dataKey: 'id', ellipsis: { showTitle: true } }, { title: 'age', dataKey: 'age', ellipsis: { showTitle: true } }, ]; const { container } = render(
); container.querySelectorAll('.ant-table-thead th').forEach(td => { expect((td.attributes as any).title).toBeTruthy(); }); container.querySelectorAll('.ant-table-tbody td').forEach(td => { expect((td.attributes as any).title).toBeFalsy(); }); }); // it('should render title when enable ellipsis, sorter and filters', () => { const data = [] as any; const columns = [ { title: 'id', dataKey: 'id', ellipsis: true, sorter: true, filters: [] }, { title: 'age', dataKey: 'age', ellipsis: true, sorter: true }, { title: 'age', dataKey: 'age', ellipsis: true, filters: [] }, ]; const { container } = render(
); container .querySelectorAll('.ant-table-thead th.ant-table-cell') .forEach(td => { expect((td.attributes as any).title).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('warn about rowKey when using index parameter', () => { warnSpy.mockReset(); const columns = [ { title: 'Name', key: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', }, ]; render(
record + index} />); expect(warnSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'Warning: [antd: Table] `index` parameter of `rowKey` function is deprecated. There is no guarantee that it will work as expected.', ); }); it('not warn about rowKey', () => { warnSpy.mockReset(); const columns = [ { title: 'Name', key: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', }, ]; render(
record.key} />); expect(warnSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should support ref', () => { warnSpy.mockReset(); const columns = [ { title: 'Name', key: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', }, ]; const Wrapper: React.FC = () => { const ref = React.useRef(null); return
; }; render(); expect(warnSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('title should support ReactNode', () => { const { container } = render(
CurrentUser ), dataIndex: 'name', }, ]} dataSource={[]} />, ); expect(container.querySelector('thead th')).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });