import { unit } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import type { CSSObject } from '@ant-design/cssinjs'; import { TinyColor } from '@ctrl/tinycolor'; import { clearFix, resetComponent } from '../../style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle, GetDefaultToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genStyleHooks, mergeToken } from '../../theme/internal'; import genBorderedStyle from './bordered'; import genEllipsisStyle from './ellipsis'; import genEmptyStyle from './empty'; import genExpandStyle from './expand'; import genFilterStyle from './filter'; import genFixedStyle from './fixed'; import genPaginationStyle from './pagination'; import genRadiusStyle from './radius'; import genRtlStyle from './rtl'; import genSelectionStyle from './selection'; import genSizeStyle from './size'; import genSorterStyle from './sorter'; import genStickyStyle from './sticky'; import genSummaryStyle from './summary'; import genVirtualStyle from './virtual'; export interface ComponentToken { /** * @desc 表头背景 * @descEN Background of table header */ headerBg: string; /** * @desc 表头文字颜色 * @descEN Color of table header text */ headerColor: string; /** * @desc 表头排序激活态背景色 * @descEN Background color of table header when sorted */ headerSortActiveBg: string; /** * @desc 表头排序激活态悬浮背景色 * @descEN Background color of table header when sorted and hovered */ headerSortHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 表格排序列背景色 * @descEN Background color of table sorted column */ bodySortBg: string; /** * @desc 表格行悬浮背景色 * @descEN Background color of table hovered row */ rowHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 表格行选中背景色 * @descEN Background color of table selected row */ rowSelectedBg: string; /** * @desc 表格行选中悬浮背景色 * @descEN Background color of table selected row when hovered */ rowSelectedHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 表格行展开背景色 * @descEN Background color of table expanded row */ rowExpandedBg: string; /** * @desc 单元格纵向内间距 * @descEN Vertical padding of table cell */ cellPaddingBlock: number; /** * @desc 单元格横向内间距(默认大尺寸) * @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (large size by default) */ cellPaddingInline: number; /** * @desc 单元格纵向内间距(中等尺寸) * @descEN Vertical padding of table cell (middle size) */ cellPaddingBlockMD: number; /** * @desc 单元格横向内间距(中等尺寸) * @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (middle size) */ cellPaddingInlineMD: number; /** * @desc 单元格纵向内间距(小尺寸) * @descEN Vertical padding of table cell (small size) */ cellPaddingBlockSM: number; /** * @desc 单元格横向内间距(小尺寸) * @descEN Horizontal padding of table cell (small size) */ cellPaddingInlineSM: number; /** * @desc 表格边框/分割线颜色 * @descEN Border color of table */ borderColor: string; /** * @desc 表头圆角 * @descEN Border radius of table header */ headerBorderRadius: number; /** * @desc 表格底部背景色 * @descEN Background of footer */ footerBg: string; /** * @desc 表格底部文字颜色 * @descEN Color of footer text */ footerColor: string; /** * @desc 单元格文字大小(默认大尺寸) * @descEN Font size of table cell (large size by default) */ cellFontSize: number; /** * @desc 单元格文字大小(中等尺寸) * @descEN Font size of table cell (middle size) */ cellFontSizeMD: number; /** * @desc 单元格文字大小(小尺寸) * @descEN Font size of table cell (small size) */ cellFontSizeSM: number; /** * @desc 表头分割线颜色 * @descEN Split border color of table header */ headerSplitColor: string; /** * @desc 固定表头排序激活态背景色 * @descEN Background color of fixed table header when sorted */ fixedHeaderSortActiveBg: string; /** * @desc 表头过滤按钮悬浮背景色 * @descEN Background color of table header filter button when hovered */ headerFilterHoverBg: string; /** * @desc 过滤下拉菜单选项背景 * @descEN Background of filter dropdown menu item */ filterDropdownMenuBg: string; /** * @desc 过滤下拉菜单颜色 * @descEN Color of filter dropdown */ filterDropdownBg: string; /** * @desc 展开按钮背景色 * @descEN Background of expand button */ expandIconBg: string; /** * @desc 选择列宽度 * @descEN Width of selection column */ selectionColumnWidth: number | string; /** * @desc Sticky 模式下滚动条背景色 * @descEN Background of sticky scrollbar */ stickyScrollBarBg: string; /** * @desc Sticky 模式下滚动条圆角 * @descEN Border radius of sticky scrollbar */ stickyScrollBarBorderRadius: number; /** @internal */ expandIconMarginTop: number; /** @internal */ expandIconHalfInner: number; /** @internal */ expandIconSize: number; /** @internal */ expandIconScale: number; /** @internal */ headerIconColor: string; /** @internal */ headerIconHoverColor: string; } export interface TableToken extends FullToken<'Table'> { tableFontSize: number; tableBg: string; tableRadius: number; tablePaddingHorizontal: number; tablePaddingVertical: number; tablePaddingHorizontalMiddle: number; tablePaddingVerticalMiddle: number; tablePaddingHorizontalSmall: number; tablePaddingVerticalSmall: number; tableBorderColor: string; tableHeaderTextColor: string; tableHeaderBg: string; tableFooterTextColor: string; tableFooterBg: string; tableHeaderCellSplitColor: string; tableHeaderSortBg: string; tableHeaderSortHoverBg: string; tableBodySortBg: string; tableFixedHeaderSortActiveBg: string; tableHeaderFilterActiveBg: string; tableFilterDropdownBg: string; tableFilterDropdownHeight: number | string; tableRowHoverBg: string; tableSelectedRowBg: string; tableSelectedRowHoverBg: string; tableFontSizeMiddle: number; tableFontSizeSmall: number; tableSelectionColumnWidth: number | string; tableExpandIconBg: string; tableExpandColumnWidth: number | string; tableExpandedRowBg: string; tableFilterDropdownWidth: number; tableFilterDropdownSearchWidth: number; // Z-Index zIndexTableFixed: number; zIndexTableSticky: number | string; // Virtual Scroll Bar tableScrollThumbSize: number; tableScrollThumbBg: string; tableScrollThumbBgHover: string; tableScrollBg: string; } const genTableStyle: GenerateStyle = (token) => { const { componentCls, fontWeightStrong, tablePaddingVertical, tablePaddingHorizontal, tableExpandColumnWidth, lineWidth, lineType, tableBorderColor, tableFontSize, tableBg, tableRadius, tableHeaderTextColor, motionDurationMid, tableHeaderBg, tableHeaderCellSplitColor, tableFooterTextColor, tableFooterBg, calc, } = token; const tableBorder = `${unit(lineWidth)} ${lineType} ${tableBorderColor}`; return { [`${componentCls}-wrapper`]: { clear: 'both', maxWidth: '100%', ...clearFix(), [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), fontSize: tableFontSize, background: tableBg, borderRadius: `${unit(tableRadius)} ${unit(tableRadius)} 0 0`, // scrollbarColor: `${token.tableScrollThumbBg} ${token.tableScrollBg}`, }, // table: { width: '100%', textAlign: 'start', borderRadius: `${unit(tableRadius)} ${unit(tableRadius)} 0 0`, borderCollapse: 'separate', borderSpacing: 0, }, // ============================= Cell ============================== [` ${componentCls}-cell, ${componentCls}-thead > tr > th, ${componentCls}-tbody > tr > th, ${componentCls}-tbody > tr > td, tfoot > tr > th, tfoot > tr > td `]: { position: 'relative', padding: `${unit(tablePaddingVertical)} ${unit(tablePaddingHorizontal)}`, overflowWrap: 'break-word', }, // ============================ Title ============================= [`${componentCls}-title`]: { padding: `${unit(tablePaddingVertical)} ${unit(tablePaddingHorizontal)}`, }, // ============================ Header ============================ [`${componentCls}-thead`]: { [` > tr > th, > tr > td `]: { position: 'relative', color: tableHeaderTextColor, fontWeight: fontWeightStrong, textAlign: 'start', background: tableHeaderBg, borderBottom: tableBorder, transition: `background ${motionDurationMid} ease`, "&[colspan]:not([colspan='1'])": { textAlign: 'center', }, [`&:not(:last-child):not(${componentCls}-selection-column):not(${componentCls}-row-expand-icon-cell):not([colspan])::before`]: { position: 'absolute', top: '50%', insetInlineEnd: 0, width: 1, height: '1.6em', backgroundColor: tableHeaderCellSplitColor, transform: 'translateY(-50%)', transition: `background-color ${motionDurationMid}`, content: '""', }, }, '> tr:not(:last-child) > th[colspan]': { borderBottom: 0, }, }, // ============================ Body ============================ [`${componentCls}-tbody`]: { '> tr': { '> th, > td': { transition: `background ${motionDurationMid}, border-color ${motionDurationMid}`, borderBottom: tableBorder, // ========================= Nest Table =========================== [` > ${componentCls}-wrapper:only-child, > ${componentCls}-expanded-row-fixed > ${componentCls}-wrapper:only-child `]: { [componentCls]: { marginBlock: unit(calc(tablePaddingVertical).mul(-1).equal()), marginInline: `${unit( calc(tableExpandColumnWidth).sub(tablePaddingHorizontal).equal(), )} ${unit(calc(tablePaddingHorizontal).mul(-1).equal())}`, [`${componentCls}-tbody > tr:last-child > td`]: { borderBottom: 0, '&:first-child, &:last-child': { borderRadius: 0, }, }, }, }, }, '> th': { position: 'relative', color: tableHeaderTextColor, fontWeight: fontWeightStrong, textAlign: 'start', background: tableHeaderBg, borderBottom: tableBorder, transition: `background ${motionDurationMid} ease`, }, }, }, // ============================ Footer ============================ [`${componentCls}-footer`]: { padding: `${unit(tablePaddingVertical)} ${unit(tablePaddingHorizontal)}`, color: tableFooterTextColor, background: tableFooterBg, }, }, }; }; export const prepareComponentToken: GetDefaultToken<'Table'> = (token) => { const { colorFillAlter, colorBgContainer, colorTextHeading, colorFillSecondary, colorFillContent, controlItemBgActive, controlItemBgActiveHover, padding, paddingSM, paddingXS, colorBorderSecondary, borderRadiusLG, controlHeight, colorTextPlaceholder, fontSize, fontSizeSM, lineHeight, lineWidth, colorIcon, colorIconHover, opacityLoading, controlInteractiveSize, } = token; const colorFillSecondarySolid = new TinyColor(colorFillSecondary) .onBackground(colorBgContainer) .toHexShortString(); const colorFillContentSolid = new TinyColor(colorFillContent) .onBackground(colorBgContainer) .toHexShortString(); const colorFillAlterSolid = new TinyColor(colorFillAlter) .onBackground(colorBgContainer) .toHexShortString(); const baseColorAction = new TinyColor(colorIcon); const baseColorActionHover = new TinyColor(colorIconHover); const expandIconHalfInner = controlInteractiveSize / 2 - lineWidth; const expandIconSize = expandIconHalfInner * 2 + lineWidth * 3; return { headerBg: colorFillAlterSolid, headerColor: colorTextHeading, headerSortActiveBg: colorFillSecondarySolid, headerSortHoverBg: colorFillContentSolid, bodySortBg: colorFillAlterSolid, rowHoverBg: colorFillAlterSolid, rowSelectedBg: controlItemBgActive, rowSelectedHoverBg: controlItemBgActiveHover, rowExpandedBg: colorFillAlter, cellPaddingBlock: padding, cellPaddingInline: padding, cellPaddingBlockMD: paddingSM, cellPaddingInlineMD: paddingXS, cellPaddingBlockSM: paddingXS, cellPaddingInlineSM: paddingXS, borderColor: colorBorderSecondary, headerBorderRadius: borderRadiusLG, footerBg: colorFillAlterSolid, footerColor: colorTextHeading, cellFontSize: fontSize, cellFontSizeMD: fontSize, cellFontSizeSM: fontSize, headerSplitColor: colorBorderSecondary, fixedHeaderSortActiveBg: colorFillSecondarySolid, headerFilterHoverBg: colorFillContent, filterDropdownMenuBg: colorBgContainer, filterDropdownBg: colorBgContainer, expandIconBg: colorBgContainer, selectionColumnWidth: controlHeight, stickyScrollBarBg: colorTextPlaceholder, stickyScrollBarBorderRadius: 100, expandIconMarginTop: (fontSize * lineHeight - lineWidth * 3) / 2 - Math.ceil((fontSizeSM * 1.4 - lineWidth * 3) / 2), headerIconColor: baseColorAction .clone() .setAlpha(baseColorAction.getAlpha() * opacityLoading) .toRgbString(), headerIconHoverColor: baseColorActionHover .clone() .setAlpha(baseColorActionHover.getAlpha() * opacityLoading) .toRgbString(), expandIconHalfInner, expandIconSize, expandIconScale: controlInteractiveSize / expandIconSize, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genStyleHooks( 'Table', (token) => { const { colorTextHeading, colorSplit, colorBgContainer, controlInteractiveSize: checkboxSize, headerBg, headerColor, headerSortActiveBg, headerSortHoverBg, bodySortBg, rowHoverBg, rowSelectedBg, rowSelectedHoverBg, rowExpandedBg, cellPaddingBlock, cellPaddingInline, cellPaddingBlockMD, cellPaddingInlineMD, cellPaddingBlockSM, cellPaddingInlineSM, borderColor, footerBg, footerColor, headerBorderRadius, cellFontSize, cellFontSizeMD, cellFontSizeSM, headerSplitColor, fixedHeaderSortActiveBg, headerFilterHoverBg, filterDropdownBg, expandIconBg, selectionColumnWidth, stickyScrollBarBg, calc, } = token; const zIndexTableFixed: number = 2; const tableToken = mergeToken(token, { tableFontSize: cellFontSize, tableBg: colorBgContainer, tableRadius: headerBorderRadius, tablePaddingVertical: cellPaddingBlock, tablePaddingHorizontal: cellPaddingInline, tablePaddingVerticalMiddle: cellPaddingBlockMD, tablePaddingHorizontalMiddle: cellPaddingInlineMD, tablePaddingVerticalSmall: cellPaddingBlockSM, tablePaddingHorizontalSmall: cellPaddingInlineSM, tableBorderColor: borderColor, tableHeaderTextColor: headerColor, tableHeaderBg: headerBg, tableFooterTextColor: footerColor, tableFooterBg: footerBg, tableHeaderCellSplitColor: headerSplitColor, tableHeaderSortBg: headerSortActiveBg, tableHeaderSortHoverBg: headerSortHoverBg, tableBodySortBg: bodySortBg, tableFixedHeaderSortActiveBg: fixedHeaderSortActiveBg, tableHeaderFilterActiveBg: headerFilterHoverBg, tableFilterDropdownBg: filterDropdownBg, tableRowHoverBg: rowHoverBg, tableSelectedRowBg: rowSelectedBg, tableSelectedRowHoverBg: rowSelectedHoverBg, zIndexTableFixed, zIndexTableSticky: zIndexTableFixed + 1, tableFontSizeMiddle: cellFontSizeMD, tableFontSizeSmall: cellFontSizeSM, tableSelectionColumnWidth: selectionColumnWidth, tableExpandIconBg: expandIconBg, tableExpandColumnWidth: calc(checkboxSize).add(calc(token.padding).mul(2)).equal(), tableExpandedRowBg: rowExpandedBg, // Dropdown tableFilterDropdownWidth: 120, tableFilterDropdownHeight: 264, tableFilterDropdownSearchWidth: 140, // Virtual Scroll Bar tableScrollThumbSize: 8, // Mac scroll bar size tableScrollThumbBg: stickyScrollBarBg, tableScrollThumbBgHover: colorTextHeading, tableScrollBg: colorSplit, }); return [ genTableStyle(tableToken), genPaginationStyle(tableToken), genSummaryStyle(tableToken), genSorterStyle(tableToken), genFilterStyle(tableToken), genBorderedStyle(tableToken), genRadiusStyle(tableToken), genExpandStyle(tableToken), genSummaryStyle(tableToken), genEmptyStyle(tableToken), genSelectionStyle(tableToken), genFixedStyle(tableToken), genStickyStyle(tableToken), genEllipsisStyle(tableToken), genSizeStyle(tableToken), genRtlStyle(tableToken), genVirtualStyle(tableToken), ]; }, prepareComponentToken, { unitless: { expandIconScale: true, }, }, );