import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { useMutateObserver } from '@rc-component/mutate-observer'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { useEvent } from 'rc-util'; import { useToken } from '../theme/internal'; import WatermarkContext from './context'; import type { WatermarkContextProps } from './context'; import useClips, { FontGap } from './useClips'; import useRafDebounce from './useRafDebounce'; import useWatermark from './useWatermark'; import { getPixelRatio, reRendering } from './utils'; export interface WatermarkProps { zIndex?: number; rotate?: number; width?: number; height?: number; image?: string; content?: string | string[]; font?: { color?: CanvasFillStrokeStyles['fillStyle']; fontSize?: number | string; fontWeight?: 'normal' | 'light' | 'weight' | number; fontStyle?: 'none' | 'normal' | 'italic' | 'oblique'; fontFamily?: string; textAlign?: CanvasTextAlign; }; style?: React.CSSProperties; className?: string; rootClassName?: string; gap?: [number, number]; offset?: [number, number]; children?: React.ReactNode; inherit?: boolean; } /** * Only return `next` when size changed. * This is only used for elements compare, not a shallow equal! */ function getSizeDiff(prev: Set, next: Set) { return prev.size === next.size ? prev : next; } const DEFAULT_GAP_X = 100; const DEFAULT_GAP_Y = 100; const fixedStyle: React.CSSProperties = { position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', }; const Watermark: React.FC = (props) => { const { /** * The antd content layer zIndex is basically below 10 * */ zIndex = 9, rotate = -22, width, height, image, content, font = {}, style, className, rootClassName, gap = [DEFAULT_GAP_X, DEFAULT_GAP_Y], offset, children, inherit = true, } = props; const mergedStyle = { ...fixedStyle,, }; const [, token] = useToken(); const { color = token.colorFill, fontSize = token.fontSizeLG, fontWeight = 'normal', fontStyle = 'normal', fontFamily = 'sans-serif', textAlign = 'center', } = font; const [gapX = DEFAULT_GAP_X, gapY = DEFAULT_GAP_Y] = gap; const gapXCenter = gapX / 2; const gapYCenter = gapY / 2; const offsetLeft = offset?.[0] ?? gapXCenter; const offsetTop = offset?.[1] ?? gapYCenter; const markStyle = React.useMemo(() => { const mergedMarkStyle: React.CSSProperties = { zIndex, position: 'absolute', left: 0, top: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', pointerEvents: 'none', backgroundRepeat: 'repeat', }; /** Calculate the style of the offset */ let positionLeft = offsetLeft - gapXCenter; let positionTop = offsetTop - gapYCenter; if (positionLeft > 0) { mergedMarkStyle.left = `${positionLeft}px`; mergedMarkStyle.width = `calc(100% - ${positionLeft}px)`; positionLeft = 0; } if (positionTop > 0) { = `${positionTop}px`; mergedMarkStyle.height = `calc(100% - ${positionTop}px)`; positionTop = 0; } mergedMarkStyle.backgroundPosition = `${positionLeft}px ${positionTop}px`; return mergedMarkStyle; }, [zIndex, offsetLeft, gapXCenter, offsetTop, gapYCenter]); const [container, setContainer] = React.useState(); // Used for nest case like Modal, Drawer const [subElements, setSubElements] = React.useState(new Set()); // Nest elements should also support watermark const targetElements = React.useMemo(() => { const list = container ? [container] : []; return [...list, ...Array.from(subElements)]; }, [container, subElements]); // ============================ Content ============================= /** * Get the width and height of the watermark. The default values are as follows * Image: [120, 64]; Content: It's calculated by content; */ const getMarkSize = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => { let defaultWidth = 120; let defaultHeight = 64; if (!image && ctx.measureText) { ctx.font = `${Number(fontSize)}px ${fontFamily}`; const contents = Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content]; const sizes = => { const metrics = ctx.measureText(item!); return [metrics.width, metrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent + metrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent]; }); defaultWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max( => size[0]))); defaultHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max( => size[1]))) * contents.length + (contents.length - 1) * FontGap; } return [width ?? defaultWidth, height ?? defaultHeight] as const; }; const getClips = useClips(); const [watermarkInfo, setWatermarkInfo] = React.useState<[base64: string, contentWidth: number]>( null!, ); // Generate new Watermark content const renderWatermark = () => { const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if (ctx) { const ratio = getPixelRatio(); const [markWidth, markHeight] = getMarkSize(ctx); const drawCanvas = ( drawContent?: NonNullable | HTMLImageElement, ) => { const [nextClips, clipWidth] = getClips( drawContent || '', rotate, ratio, markWidth, markHeight, { color, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontFamily, textAlign, }, gapX, gapY, ); setWatermarkInfo([nextClips, clipWidth]); }; if (image) { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => { drawCanvas(img); }; img.onerror = () => { drawCanvas(content); }; img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'; img.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer'; img.src = image; } else { drawCanvas(content); } } }; const syncWatermark = useRafDebounce(renderWatermark); // ============================= Effect ============================= // Append watermark to the container const [appendWatermark, removeWatermark, isWatermarkEle] = useWatermark(markStyle); useEffect(() => { if (watermarkInfo) { targetElements.forEach((holder) => { appendWatermark(watermarkInfo[0], watermarkInfo[1], holder); }); } }, [watermarkInfo, targetElements]); // ============================ Observe ============================= const onMutate = useEvent((mutations: MutationRecord[]) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { if (reRendering(mutation, isWatermarkEle)) { syncWatermark(); } else if ( === container && mutation.attributeName === 'style') { // We've only force container not modify. // Not consider nest case. const keyStyles = Object.keys(fixedStyle); for (let i = 0; i < keyStyles.length; i += 1) { const key = keyStyles[i]; const oriValue = (mergedStyle as any)[key]; const currentValue = ( as any)[key]; if (oriValue && oriValue !== currentValue) { ( as any)[key] = oriValue; } } } }); }); useMutateObserver(targetElements, onMutate); useEffect(syncWatermark, [ rotate, zIndex, width, height, image, content, color, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle, fontFamily, textAlign, gapX, gapY, offsetLeft, offsetTop, ]); // ============================ Context ============================= const watermarkContext = React.useMemo( () => ({ add: (ele) => { setSubElements((prev) => { const clone = new Set(prev); clone.add(ele); return getSizeDiff(prev, clone); }); }, remove: (ele) => { removeWatermark(ele); setSubElements((prev) => { const clone = new Set(prev); clone.delete(ele); return getSizeDiff(prev, clone); }); }, }), [], ); // ============================= Render ============================= const childNode = inherit ? ( {children} ) : ( children ); return (
); }; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Watermark.displayName = 'Watermark'; } export default Watermark;