mirror of
synced 2024-12-16 01:41:02 +08:00
232 lines
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232 lines
6.5 KiB
const path = require('path');
const replaceLib = require('@ant-design/tools/lib/replaceLib');
const { extractStyle } = require('@ant-design/cssinjs');
const getWebpackConfig = require('@ant-design/tools/lib/getWebpackConfig');
const { ESBuildMinifyPlugin } = require('esbuild-loader');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { version } = require('../package.json');
const themeConfig = require('./themeConfig');
const { webpack } = getWebpackConfig;
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
const { ANT_THEME, DEV_THEME } = process.env;
function alertBabelConfig(rules) {
rules.forEach(rule => {
if (rule.loader && rule.loader === 'babel-loader') {
if (rule.options.plugins.indexOf(replaceLib) === -1) {
rule.options.plugins = rule.options.plugins.filter(
plugin => !plugin.indexOf || plugin.indexOf('babel-plugin-add-module-exports') === -1,
// Add babel-plugin-add-react-displayname
} else if (rule.use) {
const ssrCssFileName = `ssr-${Date.now()}.css`;
const port = process.env.DEV_PORT || 8001;
module.exports = {
hash: true,
source: {
components: './components',
docs: './docs',
changelog: ['CHANGELOG.zh-CN.md', 'CHANGELOG.en-US.md'],
'components/form/v3': ['components/form/v3.zh-CN.md', 'components/form/v3.en-US.md'],
'docs/resources': ['./docs/resources.zh-CN.md', './docs/resources.en-US.md'],
theme: ANT_THEME ? './site/theme/index-css-only.js' : './site/theme',
htmlTemplate: './site/theme/static/template.html',
filePathMapper(filePath) {
if (filePath === '/index.html') {
return ['/index.html', '/index-cn.html'];
if (filePath.endsWith('/index.html')) {
return [filePath, filePath.replace(/\/index\.html$/, '-cn/index.html')];
if (filePath !== '/404.html' && filePath !== '/index-cn.html') {
return [filePath, filePath.replace(/\.html$/, '-cn.html')];
return filePath;
doraConfig: {
verbose: true,
lessConfig: {
javascriptEnabled: true,
modifyVars: {
'root-entry-name': ANT_THEME || DEV_THEME || 'variable',
webpackConfig(config) {
config.resolve.alias = {
'antd/lib': path.join(process.cwd(), 'components'),
'antd/es': path.join(process.cwd(), 'components'),
// Change antd from `index.js` to `site/antd.js` to remove deps of root style
antd: path.join(process.cwd(), 'site', 'antd'),
site: path.join(process.cwd(), 'site'),
'react-router': 'react-router/umd/ReactRouter',
config.externals = {
'react-router-dom': 'ReactRouterDOM',
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
CSSINJS_STATISTIC: JSON.stringify(true),
if (isDev) {
config.devtool = 'source-map';
// Resolve use react hook fail when yarn link or npm link
// https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/8607#issuecomment-453068938
config.resolve.alias = {
'react/jsx-runtime': require.resolve('react/jsx-runtime'),
react: require.resolve('react'),
} else if (process.env.ESBUILD) {
// use esbuild
config.optimization.minimize = true;
config.optimization.minimizer = [
new ESBuildMinifyPlugin({
target: 'es2015',
css: true,
test: /\.mjs$/,
include: /node_modules/,
type: 'javascript/auto',
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
antdReproduceVersion: JSON.stringify(version),
delete config.module.noParse;
// Use dev mod to speed up site preview build
// This is used for CI preview build in `preview-build.yml`
if (process.env.SITE_ENV === 'development') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Site build with development mode...');
config.mode = 'development';
if (ANT_THEME) {
config.mode = 'development';
config.plugins.forEach(plugin => {
if (plugin?.options?.filename?.includes?.('.css')) {
delete plugin.options.chunkFilename;
plugin.options.filename = `${ANT_THEME}.css`;
// Remove preset target
config.module.rules.forEach(rule => {
if (rule.options?.presets?.[1]?.[0]?.includes('preset-env')) {
delete rule.options.presets[1][1];
delete rule.options.plugins;
config.optimization.minimize = false;
delete config.optimization.minimizer;
config.externals = [
// Split chunks
if (config.mode === 'production') {
config.optimization.splitChunks = {
cacheGroups: {
vendors: {
test: /[/\\]node_modules[/\\]@ant-design[/\\]icon/,
name: 'anticon',
chunks: 'initial',
maxSize: 1024 * 1024,
components: {
test(module) {
return (
module.resource &&
module.resource.includes('ant-design/components') &&
!module.resource.includes('demo') &&
name: 'components',
chunks: 'initial',
return config;
devServerConfig: {
public: `${process.env.DEV_HOST || 'localhost'}:${port}`,
disableHostCheck: !!process.env.DEV_HOST,
postManifest: origin => {
const clone = {
css: [...origin.css, ssrCssFileName],
return clone;
postBuild: () => {
const styleText = extractStyle(global.styleCache);
const styleTextWithoutStyleTag = styleText
.replace(/<style\s[^>]*>/g, '')
.replace(/<\/style>/g, '');
fs.writeFileSync(`./_site/${ssrCssFileName}`, styleTextWithoutStyleTag, 'utf8');
htmlTemplateExtraData: {