2018-07-13 22:23:12 +08:00

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type category subtitle title
Feedback Components Drawer

A drawer is a panel that is overlaid on a parent form and slides in from the outside of the parent form's border to carry information or action collections. The drawer interacts without leaving the parent form, and the user is in context and can handle tasks more easily and clearly.

When To Use

  • Create or edit an object.
  • Carrying subtasks. In order to keep the subtasks still in the context of the main task, the subtasks are too complex for the Bubble Popover to use large drawers to carry.
  • Use the same form in multiple places


参数 说明 类型 默认值
closable Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the Drawer dialog or not boolean true
destroyOnClose Whether to unmount child compenents on onClose boolean false
getContainer Return the mount node for Drawer (instance): HTMLElement () => document.body
mask Whether show mask or not. Boolean true
maskClosable Whether to close the Drawer dialog when the mask (area outside the Drawer) is clicked boolean true
maskStyle Style for Drawer's mask element. object {}
style Style of floating layer, typically used at least for adjusting the position. object -
title The Drawer dialog's title string|ReactNode -
visible Whether the Drawer dialog is visible or not boolean false
width Width of the Drawer dialog string|number 520
wrapClassName The class name of the container of the Drawer dialog string -
zIndex The z-index of the Drawer Number 1000
placement The direction of the Drawer 'left' | 'right' 'right'
onClose Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button on top right or Cancel button function(e) -