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Components Data Entry Select

Select component to select value from options.

When To Use

  • A dropdown menu for displaying choices - an elegant alternative to the native <select> element.
  • Utilizing Radio is recommended when there are fewer total options (less than 5).


  <option value="lucy">lucy</option>

Select props

Property Description Type Default Version
allowClear Show clear button. boolean false
autoClearSearchValue Whether the current search will be cleared on selecting an item. Only applies when mode is set to multiple or tags. boolean true 3.10.0
autoFocus Get focus by default boolean false
defaultActiveFirstOption Whether active first option by default boolean true
defaultValue Initial selected option. string|string[]
disabled Whether disabled select boolean false
dropdownClassName className of dropdown menu string -
dropdownMatchSelectWidth Whether dropdown's width is same with select. boolean true
dropdownRender Customize dropdown content (menuNode: ReactNode, props) => ReactNode - 3.11.0
dropdownStyle style of dropdown menu object -
dropdownMenuStyle additional style applied to dropdown menu object -
filterOption If true, filter options by input, if function, filter options against it. The function will receive two arguments, inputValue and option, if the function returns true, the option will be included in the filtered set; Otherwise, it will be excluded. boolean or function(inputValue, option) true
firstActiveValue Value of action option by default string|string[] -
getPopupContainer Parent Node which the selector should be rendered to. Default to body. When position issues happen, try to modify it into scrollable content and position it relative. Example function(triggerNode) () => document.body
labelInValue whether to embed label in value, turn the format of value from string to {key: string, label: ReactNode} boolean false
maxTagCount Max tag count to show number -
maxTagTextLength Max tag count to show number - 3.18.0
maxTagPlaceholder Placeholder for not showing tags ReactNode/function(omittedValues) -
mode Set mode of Select 'default' | 'multiple' | 'tags' 'default'
notFoundContent Specify content to show when no result matches.. string 'Not Found'
optionFilterProp Which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true string value
optionLabelProp Which prop value of option will render as content of select. Example string value for combobox, children for other modes
placeholder Placeholder of select string|ReactNode -
searchValue Search input value string - 3.23.2
showArrow Whether to show the drop-down arrow boolean true 3.2.1
showSearch Whether show search input in single mode. boolean false
size Size of Select input. default large small string default
suffixIcon The custom suffix icon ReactNode - 3.10.0
removeIcon The custom remove icon ReactNode - 3.11.0
clearIcon The custom clear icon ReactNode - 3.11.0
menuItemSelectedIcon The custom menuItemSelected icon with multiple options ReactNode - 3.11.0
tokenSeparators Separator used to tokenize on tag/multiple mode string[]
value Current selected option. string|string[]<br />number|number[]<br />LabeledValue|LabeledValue[] -
onBlur Called when blur function -
onChange Called when select an option or input value change, or value of input is changed in combobox mode function(value, option:Option/Array<Option>) -
onDeselect Called when a option is deselected, param is the selected option's value. Only called for multiple or tags, effective in multiple or tags mode only. function(string|number|LabeledValue) -
onFocus Called when focus function -
onInputKeyDown Called when key pressed function - 3.1.0
onMouseEnter Called when mouse enter function -
onMouseLeave Called when mouse leave function -
onPopupScroll Called when dropdown scrolls function -
onSearch Callback function that is fired when input changed. function(value: string)
onSelect Called when a option is selected, the params are option's value (or key) and option instance. function(string|number|LabeledValue, option:Option) -
defaultOpen Initial open state of dropdown boolean - 3.9.3
open Controlled open state of dropdown boolean - 3.9.0
onDropdownVisibleChange Call when dropdown open (Supported after version 3.9.0) function(open) - 3.9.0
loading indicate loading state Boolean false 3.11.0

Select Methods

Name Description Version
blur() Remove focus
focus() Get focus

Option props

Property Description Type Default Version
disabled Disable this option boolean false
key Same usage as value. If React request you to set this property, you can set it to value of option, and then omit value property. string
title title of Select after select this Option string -
value default to filter with this property string|number -
className additional class to option string - 3.10.1

OptGroup props

Property Description Type Default Version
key string -
label Group label string|React.Element -