2018-08-20 14:00:51 +08:00

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Components General Icon false

Semantic vector graphics.

Icons naming convention

We provide semantic name for every icon, and naming rules are as follows:

  • Scanning line icon has the similar name with its solid onebut it's distinguished by -o, for example, question-circle (a full circle) and question-circle-o (an empty circle);
  • Naming sequence[name]-[shape?]-[outline?]-[direction?].

? means is optional.

See more design detail at here.

List of icons

Click the icon and copy the code.

Directional Icons

import IconSet from 'site/theme/template/IconSet';
ReactDOM.render(<IconSet className="icons" catigory="direction" />, mountNode);

Suggested Icons

import IconSet from 'site/theme/template/IconSet';
ReactDOM.render(<IconSet className="icons" catigory="suggestion" />, mountNode);

Application Icons

import IconSet from 'site/theme/template/IconSet';
ReactDOM.render(<IconSet className="icons" catigory="other" />, mountNode);

Brand and Logos

import IconSet from 'site/theme/template/IconSet';
ReactDOM.render(<IconSet className="icons" catigory="logo" />, mountNode);



Property Description Type Default
type Type of ant design icon string -
style Style properties of icon, like fontSize and color CSSProperties -
svgStyle Inline style to apply to the SVG element CSSProperties -
svgClassName Extra class name for the SVG element string -
spin Rotate icon with animation boolean false
component The component used for the root node. This will override the type property. ComponentType<CustomIconComponentProps> -

All the icons will render to <svg>. You can still set style and className for size and color of icons.

<Icon type="message" style={{ fontSize: '16px', color: '#08c' }} />

You can import svg icon as an react component by using webpack and @svgr/webpack. @svgr/webpack's options reference.

// webpack.config.js
  test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
  use: [
      loader: 'babel-loader',
      loader: '@svgr/webpack',
      options: {
        babel: false,
        icon: true,
import { Icon } from 'antd';
import MessageSvg from 'path/to/message.svg'; // path to your '*.svg' file.

  <Icon component={MessageSvg} />,


The following properties are available fot the component:

Property Description Type Default
width The width of the svg element string | number '1em'
height The height of the svg element string | number '1em'
fill Define the color used to paint the svg element string 'currentColor'
className The computed class name of the svg element string -
style The computed style of the svg element CSSProperties -


This method is

const MyIcon = Icon.createFromIconfontCN({
  namespace: 'foo', // identifier
  url: '', // generated by
  prefix: 'icon-',

ReactDOM.render(<MyIcon type="example" />, mountedNode);

其本质上是创建了一个使用 <use> 标签来渲染图标的组件。

The following options are available:

Property Description Type Default
prefix 设置图标的前缀,通常以短横线结尾,如 icon-foo- string ''
extraCommonProps 给所有的 svg 图标 <Icon /> 组件设置额外的属性 { [key: string]: any } {}
namespace 图标集合的名字空间,在 url 也设置的情况下有效,用于区分已导入的图标符号集合 string -
url 项目在线生成的 js 地址,在 namespace 也设置的情况下有效 string -

namespaceurl 都设置有效的情况下,组件在渲染前会自动引入 项目中的图标符号集,无需手动引入。 使用帮助 查看如何生成 js 地址。