allowClear |
Whether allow clear |
boolean |
true |
autoFocus |
If get focus when component mounted |
boolean |
false |
bordered |
Whether has border style |
boolean |
true |
clearIcon |
The custom clear icon |
ReactNode |
- |
changeOnSelect |
(Work on single select) Change value on each selection if set to true, see above demo for details |
boolean |
false |
className |
The additional css class |
string |
- |
defaultValue |
Initial selected value |
string[] | number[] |
[] |
disabled |
Whether disabled select |
boolean |
false |
displayRender |
The render function of displaying selected options |
(label, selectedOptions) => ReactNode |
label => label.join(/ ) |
multiple : 4.18.0 |
dropdownClassName |
The additional className of popup overlay |
string |
- |
4.17.0 |
dropdownRender |
Customize dropdown content |
(menus: ReactNode) => ReactNode |
- |
4.4.0 |
expandIcon |
Customize the current item expand icon |
ReactNode |
- |
4.4.0 |
expandTrigger |
expand current item when click or hover, one of click hover |
string |
click |
fieldNames |
Custom field name for label and value and children |
object |
{ label: label , value: value , children: children } |
getPopupContainer |
Parent Node which the selector should be rendered to. Default to body . When position issues happen, try to modify it into scrollable content and position it relative. example |
function(triggerNode) |
() => document.body |
loadData |
To load option lazily, and it cannot work with showSearch |
(selectedOptions) => void |
- |
maxTagCount |
Max tag count to show. responsive will cost render performance |
number | responsive |
- |
4.17.0 |
maxTagPlaceholder |
Placeholder for not showing tags |
ReactNode | function(omittedValues) |
- |
4.17.0 |
notFoundContent |
Specify content to show when no result matches |
string |
Not Found |
open |
Set visible of cascader popup |
boolean |
- |
4.17.0 |
options |
The data options of cascade |
Option[] |
- |
placeholder |
The input placeholder |
string |
Please select |
placement |
Use preset popup align config from builtinPlacements |
bottomLeft bottomRight topLeft topRight |
bottomLeft |
4.17.0 |
showSearch |
Whether show search input in single mode |
boolean | Object |
false |
size |
The input size |
large | middle | small |
- |
status |
Set validation status |
'error' | 'warning' |
- |
4.19.0 |
style |
The additional style |
CSSProperties |
- |
suffixIcon |
The custom suffix icon |
ReactNode |
- |
tagRender |
Customize tag render when multiple |
(props) => ReactNode |
- |
4.17.0 |
value |
The selected value |
string[] | number[] |
- |
onChange |
Callback when finishing cascader select |
(value, selectedOptions) => void |
- |
onDropdownVisibleChange |
Callback when popup shown or hidden |
(value) => void |
- |
4.17.0 |
multiple |
Support multiple or not |
boolean |
- |
4.17.0 |
removeIcon |
The custom remove icon |
ReactNode |
- |
searchValue |
Set search value,Need work with showSearch |
string |
- |
4.17.0 |
onSearch |
The callback function triggered when input changed |
(search: string) => void |
- |
4.17.0 |
dropdownMenuColumnStyle |
The style of the drop-down menu column |
CSSProperties |
- |
loadingIcon |
The apparence of lazy loading (now is useless) |
ReactNode |
- |