2016-08-15 07:54:01 +08:00

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category cols type title
Components 1 Views Table

A table displays rows data.

When to use

  • To display a collections of structured data.
  • To sort, search, paging, filter data.

How to use

Sepecify dataSource of Table to be an array data.

const dataSource = [{
  key: '1',
  name: 'Mike',
  age: 32,
  address: '10 Downing Street'
}, {
  key: '2',
  name: 'John',
  age: 42,
  address: '10 Downing Street'

const columns = [{
  title: 'Name',
  dataIndex: 'name',
  key: 'name',
}, {
  title: 'Age',
  dataIndex: 'age',
  key: 'age',
}, {
  title: 'Address',
  dataIndex: 'address',
  key: 'address',

<Table dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} />



Property Type Default Description
rowSelection row selection config Object null
pagination pagination config, hide it via setting to false Object
size size of table: default or small String default
dataSource data record array to be rendered Array
columns columns of table Array -
rowKey get row's key, could be a string or function String or Function(record, index):string 'key'
rowClassName get row's className Function(record, index):string -
expandedRowRender expanded container render for each row Function -
defaultExpandedRowKeys initial expanded row keys Array -
expandedRowKeys current expanded rows keys Array -
onChange callback that is called when pagination, filters, sorter is changed Function(pagination, filters, sorter)
loading loading status of table Boolean false
locale i18n text include filter, sort, empty text...etc Object filterConfirm: 'Ok'
filterReset: 'Reset'
emptyText: 'No Data'
indentSize index pixel size of tree data Number 15
onRowClick callback that is called when click a row Function(record, index) -
bordered whether to show table border completely Boolean false
showHeader whether to show table header Boolean true
footer table footer renderer Function(currentPageData)
title table title renderer Function(currentPageData)
scroll whether table can be scroll in x/y direction, x or y can be a number that indicated the width and height of table body Object -


One of Property columns for descriping column.

Property Type Default Description
title title of this column String or React.Element -
key key of this column String -
dataIndex display field of the data record, could be set like a.b.c String -
render renderer of table cell, has three params: text, record and index of this row. The render value should be a ReactNode, or a object for colSpan/rowSpan config Function(text, record, index) {} -
filters filter menu config Array -
onFilter callback that is called when when click confirm filter button Function -
filterMultiple whether to select multiple filtered item Boolean true
filterDropdown customized filter overlay React.Element -
sorter sort function for local sort. If you need sort buttons only, set it true Function or Boolean -
colSpan colSpan for column title Number
width width of this column String or Number -
className className of this column String -
fixed set column to be fixed: true(same as left) 'left' 'right' Boolean or String false
filteredValue controlled filtered value Array -
sortOrder controlled sorted value: 'ascend' 'descend' false Boolean or String -


Properties for selection.

Property Type Default Description
type checkbox or radio String checkbox
selectedRowKeys controlled selected row keys Array []
onChange callback that is called when selected rows change Function(selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) -
getCheckboxProps get Checkbox or Radio props Function(record) -
onSelect callback that is called when select/deselect one row Function(record, selected, selectedRows) -
onSelectAll callback that is called when select/deselect all Function(selected, selectedRows, changeRows) -


According to React documentation, every child in array should be assigned a unique key. The value inside dataSource and columns should follow this in Table, and dataSource[i].key would be treated as key value defaultly for dataSource.

If dataSource[i].key is not existed, then you should specify the primary key of dataSource value via rowKey. If not, warnings like above will show in browser console.

// primary key is uid
return <Table rowKey="uid" />;
// or
return <Table rowKey={record => record.uid} />;