2016-10-13 17:53:10 +08:00

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If you want to read change logs before 2.0.0, please visit GitHub.



  • Fix developers cannot call methods of react-slick. #3164
  • Fix Steps.Step[icon] should support React.ReactNode. #3159
  • Fix server-side render for Affix. #3216
  • Fix Mention should supoort onSelect placeholder. #3236 #3226
  • Fix Transfer cannot work with getFieldDecorator.
  • Fix LocaleProvider doesn't work for time-related components.
  • Fix Cascader doesn't show search text in search mode.
  • Fix the animation & text Spin should be placed in vertical middle.
  • Fix styles of RangePicker Modal Tag Progress.



After four months, antd@2.0.0 is published. We had refactored code and improve functionalities and details of existing components. What's more, we provide English version of the documentation. The antd community help us a lot in developing antd@2.0.0.

If you meet any problem while you try to upgrade from antd@1.0.0, feel free to create issues on GitHub.

2.x Major changes

  • Refactor components with TypeScript, and provide .d.ts files which are officially supported. Thanks to all the developers that contributed to #1846 and @infeng.
  • Translate the documentation into English, and we are going to provide both of Chinese and English versions of the documentation in the future. Thanks to all the translators and reviewers that contributed to #1471.
  • DatePicker, TimePicker, Calendar and other components that are designed to select time are refactored to replace gregorian-calendar with moment.
  • All the icons are re-designed.
  • New component Mention.
  • New component AutoComplete.
  • The getFieldProps of Form is replaced with getFieldDecorator which will warn developers if they make mistakes. Related discussion #1533.
  • Table supports grouping columns. @yesmeck
  • Removed components and features which are deprecated in antd@1.x, such as QueueAnim, Validation, Form.ValueMixin, Progress.Line, Progress.Circle, Popover[overlay] and Slider[marks] will not support array any more.

2.x Breaking changes

There are some breaking changes in antd@2.0.0, and you need to modify your code to work with it.

  • value and defaultValue of all the time-related components will not support type String/Date, please use moment:

    - <TimePicker defaultValue="12:08:23" />
    + <TimePicker defaultValue={moment('12:08:23', 'HH:mm:ss')} />
    - <DatePicker defaultValue="2015/01/01" />
    + <DatePicker defaultValue={moment('2015/01/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD')} />
    - <Calendar defaultValue={new Date('2010-10-10')} />
    + <Calendar defaultValue={moment('2010-10-10', 'YYYY-MM-DD')} />
  • Parameters of type Date/GregorianCalendar of functions such as onChange and onPanelChange, plus other callback functions had been changed to type moment. Please consult APIs of gregorian-calendar and APIs of moment, and update your code accordingly. And the difference between GregorianCalendar's and moment's APIs(not a completed list):

    time.getTime() => time.valueOf();

    Because the return value of JSON.stringy(date: moment) will lost time zone, we should use .format to convert date to string first, see related issue #3082 for details:

    handleSubmit() {
      const values = this.props.form.getFieldsValue(); ='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); // or other format
      const data = JSON.stringify(values);
      // send data to server
  • For the value of time-related components becomes an instance of moment, you should replace type='date' with type='object' in form validation.

  • The format of time-related components is changed from gregorian-calendar-format to moment format now, for instance the format yyyy-MM-dd should change to YYYY-MM-DD.

  • linkRender and nameRender of Breadcrumb are removed, please use itemRender.

  • onClose and onOpen of Menu are removed, please use onOpenChange. As being totally different, please check this demo first.

  • Paging columns of Table were removed, please use fixed columns.

The following change will throw some warnings in the console and it will still work, but we recommend to update your code.

  • getFieldProps of Form is deprecated, please use getFieldDecorator:

    -  <Input placeholder="text" {...getFieldProps('userName', { ... })} />
    +  {getFieldDecorator('userName', { ... })(
    +    <Input placeholder="text" />
    +  )}
  • toggleOpen of DatePicker is deprecated, please use onOpenChange:

    - handleToggleOpen({ open }) {
    + handleOpenChange(open) {

2.x Bug fixes

  • Dropdown.Button[disabled] should work. #3070
  • option.withRef of Form.create should work. #2843
  • Fix slow response of expanding sub menu in Menu[inline] mode. #2701
  • The button of Modal.confirm(and so on) should not be clickable while it is closed asynchronously. #2684
  • format of DatePicker[showTime] should work. #3123
  • Fix Table[dataSource] treat key whose value is 0 as inexisting. #3166 @noonnightstorm
  • Tree.Node should not show arrow if it has no child nodes. #2616
  • Fix cursor style of arrows that are hidden of Tree.Node. #2748

2.x Other improvements

2.x Workflow

  • AntD Library a collection of Axure files which includes components and patterns that follow Ant Design Specification.

  • Rename babel-plugin-antd to babel-plugin-import, and this means that babel-plugin-import becomes an common load-on-demand solution and not just for antd.

    Please update package.json:

      "devDependencies": {
    -   "babel-plugin-antd": "^0.x.x",
    +   "babel-plugin-import": "^1.0.0",

    And update your babel config in .babelrc or other place:

    -  "plugins": [["antd", { style: "css" }]]
    +  "plugins": [["import", { libraryName: "antd", style: "css" }]]
  • dva@1.0.0 is published and it is officially recommended framework in real world.

  • The officially recommended scaffold is dva-cli now, the old antd-init is just for studying and demo.


Visit GitHub to read change logs from 0.x to 1.x