2023-05-16 13:49:59 +08:00

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category title cover coverDark tag demo group
Components ColorPicker*PpY4RYNM8UcAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original*EHL-QYJofZsAAAAAAAAAAAAADrJ8AQ/original New
Data Entry

Components providing color selection, Available since 5.5.0.

When To Use

Used when the user needs to customize the color selection.


Basic Usage controlled mode Disable Clear Color Custom Trigger Color Format Preset Colors Pure Render


This component is available since antd@5.5.0.

Property Description Type Default
format Format of color rgb | hex | hsb hex
onFormatChange Callback when format is changed (format: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'hsb') => void -
value Value of color string | Color -
defaultValue Default value of color string | Color -
onChange Callback when value is changed (value: Color, hex: string) => void -
allowClear Allow clearing color selected boolean false
presets Preset colors { label: ReactNode, colors: Array<string | Color> }[] -
children Trigger of ColorPicker React.ReactNode -
trigger ColorPicker trigger mode hover | click click
open Whether to show popup boolean -
onOpenChange Callback when open is changed (open: boolean) => void -
disabled Disable ColorPicker boolean -
placement Placement of popup top | topLeft | topRight | bottom | bottomLeft | bottomRight bottomLeft
arrow Configuration for popup arrow boolean | { pointAtCenter: boolean } true


Property Description Type Default
toHex Convert to hex format characters () => string -
toHexString Convert to hex format color string () => string -
toHsb Convert to hsb object () => ({ h: number, s: number, b: number, a number }) -
toHsbString Convert to hsb format color string () => string -
toRgb Convert to rgb object () => ({ r: number, g: number, b: number, a number }) -
toRgbString Convert to rgb format color string () => string -


Questions about color assignment

The value of the color selector supports both string color values and selector-generated Color objects. However, since there is a precision error when converting color strings of different formats to each other, it is recommended to use selector-generated Color objects for assignment operations in controlled scenarios, so that the precision problem can be avoided and the values are guaranteed to be accurate and the selector can work as expected.