米老朱 6936599aef Enhance stylelint rules (#14803)
* rename .stylelintrc to .stylelintrc.json for explicit file type

* add new npm script lint-fix:style

* fix pseudo-element with double colon

* function name should be lower except ignored functions

* support stylelint declaration-block-no-ignored-properties rule

* support sorted CSS properties order for readability and consistency

* autofix order of all styles by lint-fix:style script

* remove double slash comments after selector

* replace .stylelintignore with ignoreFiles in .stylelintrc.json
2019-02-15 10:48:07 +08:00

131 lines
2.7 KiB

@import '../../style/themes/default';
@import '../../style/mixins/index';
@import '../../input/style/mixin';
@mention-prefix-cls: ~'@{ant-prefix}-mention';
.@{mention-prefix-cls}-wrapper {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 100%;
vertical-align: middle;
.@{mention-prefix-cls}-editor {
display: block;
height: auto; // To override height in .input mixin
min-height: @input-height-base;
padding: 0;
line-height: @line-height-base;
&-wrapper {
height: auto;
overflow-y: auto;
&.@{mention-prefix-cls}-active:not(.disabled) .@{mention-prefix-cls}-editor {
&.disabled .@{mention-prefix-cls}-editor {
.public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-root {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
.public-DraftEditorPlaceholder-inner {
height: auto;
padding: 5px @control-padding-horizontal - 1px;
color: @input-placeholder-color;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
outline: none;
opacity: 1;
.DraftEditor-editorContainer .public-DraftEditor-content {
height: auto;
padding: 5px @control-padding-horizontal - 1px;
.@{mention-prefix-cls}-dropdown {
position: absolute;
top: -9999px;
left: -9999px;
z-index: @zindex-dropdown;
min-width: 120px;
max-height: 250px;
margin-top: 1.5em;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
background-color: @component-background;
border-radius: @border-radius-base;
outline: none;
box-shadow: @box-shadow-base;
&-placement-top {
margin-top: -0.1em;
&-notfound&-item {
color: @disabled-color;
.@{iconfont-css-prefix}-loading {
display: block;
color: @primary-color;
text-align: center;
&-item {
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: 5px @control-padding-horizontal;
overflow: hidden;
color: @text-color;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 22px;
white-space: nowrap;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
cursor: pointer;
transition: background 0.3s;
&:hover {
background-color: @item-hover-bg;
&-active {
background-color: @item-active-bg;
&-disabled {
color: @disabled-color;
cursor: not-allowed;
&:hover {
color: @disabled-color;
background-color: @component-background;
cursor: not-allowed;
&-selected {
&:hover {
color: @text-color;
font-weight: bold;
background-color: @background-color-base;
&-divider {
height: 1px;
margin: 1px 0;
overflow: hidden;
line-height: 0;
background-color: @border-color-split;