This release is mainly to strengthen the stability of the code and add more documentation.
### Core
- :sunrise: Support routing priority. You can match different upstream services based on conditions such as header, args, priority, etc. under the same URI. [#998](
- When no route is matched, an error message is returned. To distinguish it from other 404 requests. [#1013](
- The address of the dashboard `/apisix/admin` supports CORS. [#982](
- The jsonschema validator returns a clearer error message. [#1011](
- Upgrade the `ngx_var` module to version 0.5. [#1005](
- Upgrade the `lua-resty-etcd` module to version 0.8. [#980](
- In development mode, the number of workers is automatically adjusted to 1. [#926](
- Remove the nginx.conf file from the code repository. It is automatically generated every time and cannot be modified manually. [#974](
### Doc
- Added documentation on how to customize development plugins. [#909](
- fixed example's bugs in the serverless plugin documentation. [#1006](
- Added documentation for using the Oauth plugin. [#987](
This release brings many new features, such as support for running APISIX with Tengine,
an advanced debugging mode that is more developer friendly, and a new URI redirection plugin.
### Core
- :sunrise: Supported to run APISIX with tengine. [#683](
- :sunrise: Enabled HTTP2 and supported to set ssl_protocols. [#663](
- :sunrise: Advanced Debug Mode, Target module function's input arguments or returned value would be printed once this option is enabled. [#614](
- Support to install APISIX without dashboard. [#686](
- [Limit Count]( Supported global limit count with `Redis Server`.[#624](
- :sunrise: **[support stand-alone mode](**: using yaml to update configurations of APISIX, more friendly to kubernetes. [#464](
- :sunrise: **[MQTT Proxy](**: support to load balance MQTT by `client_id`, both support MQTT 3.1 and 5.0. [#513](
This release brings many new features, such as IP black and white list, gPRC protocol transcoding, IPv6, IdP (identity provider) services, serverless, Change the default route to radix tree (**not downward compatible**), and more.
- :sunrise: **[gRPC transcoding](**: supports protocol transcoding so that clients can access your gRPC API by using HTTP/JSON. [#395](
- :sunrise: **[radix tree router](**: The radix tree is used as the default router implementation. It supports the uri, host, cookie, request header, request parameters, Nginx built-in variables, etc. as the routing conditions, and supports common operators such as equal, greater than, less than, etc., more powerful and flexible.**IMPORTANT: This change is not downward compatible. All users who use historical versions need to manually modify their routing to work properly.** [#414](
- Dynamic upstream supports more parameters, you can specify the upstream uri and host, and whether to enable websocket. [#451](
- Support for get values from cookies directly from `ctx.var`. [#449](
- Routing support IPv6. [#331](
- :sunrise: **[serverless](**: With serverless support, users can dynamically run any Lua function on a gateway node. Users can also use this feature as a lightweight plugin.[#86](
- :sunrise: **support IdP**: Support external authentication services, such as Auth0, okta, etc., users can use this to connect to Oauth2.0 and other authentication methods. [#447](
- [rate limit]( Support for more restricted keys, such as `X-Forwarded-For` and `X-Real-IP`, and allows users to use Nginx variables, request headers, and request parameters as keys. [#228](
- [IP black and white list]( Support IP black and white list for security. [#398](
- The `PATCH` API is supported and can be modified individually for a configuration without submitting the entire configuration. [#365](
- :sunrise: **Add the online version of the dashboard**,users can [experience APISIX]( without install. [#374](
- :sunrise: **[Health Check and Circuit Breaker](**: Enable health check on the upstream node, and will automatically filter unhealthy nodes during load balancing to ensure system stability. [#249](
- Anti-ReDoS(Regular expression Denial of Service). [#252](
- :sunrise: **[OpenTracing](**: support Zipkin and Apache SkyWalking. [#304](