*`passive.healthy.http_statuses`: If the current response code is equal to any of these, set the upstream node to the `healthy` state. Otherwise ignore this request.
*`passive.healthy.successes`: Number of successes in proxied traffic (as defined by `passive.healthy.http_statuses`) to consider a target healthy, as observed by passive health checks.
*`passive.unhealthy.http_statuses`: If the current response code is equal to any of these, set the upstream node to the `unhealthy` state. Otherwise ignore this request.
*`passive.unhealthy.tcp_failures`: Number of TCP failures in proxied traffic to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks.
*`passive.unhealthy.timeouts`: Number of timeouts in proxied traffic to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks.
*`passive.unhealthy.http_failures`: Number of HTTP failures in proxied traffic (as defined by `passive.unhealthy.http_statuses`) to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks.