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APISIX provides rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, canary release, circuit breaking, authentication, observability, and more.
You can use Apache APISIX as a traffic entrance to process all business data, including dynamic routing, dynamic upstream, dynamic certificates,
A/B testing, canary release, blue-green deployment, limit rate, defense against malicious attacks, metrics, monitoring alarms, service observability, service governance, etc.
- [Dubbo Proxy](docs/en/latest/plugins/dubbo-proxy.md): Dynamic HTTP to Dubbo proxy.
- [Dynamic MQTT Proxy](docs/en/latest/plugins/mqtt-proxy.md): Supports to load balance MQTT by `client_id`, both support MQTT [3.1.\*](http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/os/mqtt-v3.1.1-os.html), [5.0](https://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v5.0/mqtt-v5.0.html).
- [gRPC transcoding](docs/en/latest/plugins/grpc-transcode.md): Supports protocol transcoding so that clients can access your gRPC API by using HTTP/JSON.
- [Proxy Rewrite](docs/en/latest/plugins/proxy-rewrite.md): Support rewrite the `host`, `uri`, `schema`, `enable_websocket`, `headers` of the request before send to upstream.
- [Response Rewrite](docs/en/latest/plugins/response-rewrite.md): Set customized response status code, body and header to the client.
- [Health Checks](docs/en/latest/health-check.md): Enable health check on the upstream node and will automatically filter unhealthy nodes during load balancing to ensure system stability.
- [Supports full path matching and prefix matching](docs/en/latest/router-radixtree.md#how-to-use-libradixtree-in-apisix)
- [Support all Nginx built-in variables as conditions for routing](docs/en/latest/router-radixtree.md#how-to-filter-route-by-nginx-builtin-variable), so you can use `cookie`, `args`, etc. as routing conditions to implement canary release, A/B testing, etc.
- Support [various operators as judgment conditions for routing](https://github.com/iresty/lua-resty-radixtree#operator-list), for example `{"arg_age", ">", 24}`
- Support [custom route matching function](https://github.com/iresty/lua-resty-radixtree/blob/master/t/filter-fun.t#L10)
- [IdP](docs/en/latest/plugins/openid-connect.md): Support external authentication services, such as Auth0, okta, etc., users can use this to connect to OAuth 2.0 and other authentication methods.
- [CSRF](docs/en/latest/plugins/csrf.md) Based on the [`Double Submit Cookie`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery#Double_Submit_Cookie) way, protect your API from CSRF attacks.
- Works with external service discovery: In addition to the built-in etcd, it also supports [Consul](docs/en/latest/discovery/consul_kv.md) and [Nacos](docs/en/latest/discovery/nacos.md), and [Eureka](docs/en/latest/discovery.md)
- Clustering: APISIX nodes are stateless, creates clustering of the configuration center, please refer to [etcd Clustering Guide](https://etcd.io/docs/v3.5/op-guide/clustering/).
- [Stand-Alone](docs/en/latest/stand-alone.md): Supports to load route rules from local YAML file, it is more friendly such as under the kubernetes(k8s).
- [REST Admin API](docs/en/latest/admin-api.md): Using the REST Admin API to control Apache APISIX, which only allows access by default, you can modify the `allow_admin` field in `conf/config.yaml` to specify a list of IPs that are allowed to call the Admin API. Also, note that the Admin API uses key auth to verify the identity of the caller. **The `admin_key` field in `conf/config.yaml` needs to be modified before deployment to ensure security**.
- [Datadog](docs/en/latest/plugins/datadog.md): push custom metrics to the DogStatsD server, comes bundled with [Datadog agent](https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/), over the UDP protocol. DogStatsD basically is an implementation of StatsD protocol which collects the custom metrics for Apache APISIX agent, aggregates it into a single data point and sends it to the configured Datadog server.
- [HashiCorp Vault](https://www.vaultproject.io/): Support secret management solution for accessing secrets from Vault secure storage backed in a low trust environment. Currently, RS256 keys (public-private keypairs) or secret keys can be linked from vault in [jwt-auth](docs/en/latest/plugins/jwt-auth.md#enable-jwt-auth-with-vault-compatibility) authentication plugin.
- [Custom plugins](docs/en/latest/plugin-develop.md): Allows hooking of common phases, such as `rewrite`, `access`, `header filter`, `body filter` and `log`, also allows to hook the `balancer` stage.
- The RPC way, is the current way. Developers can choose the language according to their needs and after starting an independent process with the RPC, it exchanges data with APISIX through local RPC communication. Till this moment, APISIX has support for [Java](https://github.com/apache/apisix-java-plugin-runner), [Golang](https://github.com/apache/apisix-go-plugin-runner), [Python](https://github.com/apache/apisix-python-plugin-runner) and Node.js.
- The WASM or WebAssembly, is an experimental way. APISIX can load and run WASM bytecode via APISIX [wasm plugin](https://github.com/apache/apisix/blob/master/docs/en/latest/wasm.md) written with the [Proxy WASM SDK](https://github.com/proxy-wasm/spec#sdks). Developers only need to write the code according to the SDK and then compile it into a WASM bytecode that runs on WASM VM with APISIX.
- [AWS Lambda](docs/en/latest/plugins/aws-lambda.md): Integration with AWS Lambda function as a dynamic upstream to proxy all requests for a particular URI to the AWS API gateway endpoint. Supports authorization via api key and AWS IAM access secret.
- [Azure Functions](docs/en/latest/plugins/azure-functions.md): Seamless integration with Azure Serverless Function as a dynamic upstream to proxy all requests for a particular URI to the Microsoft Azure cloud.
- [Apache OpenWhisk](docs/en/latest/plugins/openwhisk.md): Seamless integration with Apache OpenWhisk as a dynamic upstream to proxy all requests for a particular URI to your own OpenWhisk cluster.
[Benchmark script](benchmark/run.sh), [test method and process](https://gist.github.com/membphis/137db97a4bf64d3653aa42f3e016bd01) has been open source, welcome to try and contribute.
[![Contributor over time](https://contributor-graph-api.apiseven.com/contributors-svg?repo=apache/apisix)](https://www.apiseven.com/en/contributor-graph?repo=apache/apisix)
- [APISIX technology selection, testing and continuous integration](https://medium.com/@ming_wen/apache-apisixs-technology-selection-testing-and-continuous-integration-313221b02542)
- [Analysis of Excellent Performance of Apache APISIX Microservices Gateway](https://medium.com/@ming_wen/analysis-of-excellent-performance-of-apache-apisix-microservices-gateway-fc77db4090b5)
- [Sina Weibo: the road to customization of Sina Weibo API gateway based on Apache APISIX(Chinese)](https://apisix.apache.org/blog/2021/07/14/the-road-to-customization-of-Sina-Weibo-API-gateway-based-on-Apache-APISIX)
- [European Factory Platform: API Security Gateway – Using APISIX in the eFactory Platform](https://www.efactory-project.eu/post/api-security-gateway-using-apisix-in-the-efactory-platform)