For more information on Keycloak, refer to [Keycloak Authorization Docs]( for more information.
| discovery | string | optional | | https://host.domain/auth/realms/foo/.well-known/uma2-configuration | URL to discovery document for Keycloak Authorization Services. |
| token_endpoint | string | optional | | https://host.domain/auth/realms/foo/protocol/openid-connect/token | A OAuth2-compliant Token Endpoint that supports the `urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket` grant type. Overrides value from discovery, if given. |
| resource_registration_endpoint | string | optional | | https://host.domain/auth/realms/foo/authz/protection/resource_set | A Keycloak Protection API-compliant resource registration endpoint. Overrides value from discovery, if given. |
| client_id | string | optional | | | The client identifier of the resource server to which the client is seeking access. One of `client_id` or `audience` is required. |
| audience | string | optional | | | Legacy parameter now replaced by `client_id`. Kept for backwards compatibility. One of `client_id` or `audience` is required. |
| client_secret | string | optional | | | The client secret, if required. |
| permissions | array[string] | optional | | | Static permission to request, an array of strings each representing a resources and optionally one or more scopes the client is seeking access. |
| lazy_load_paths | boolean | optional | false | | Dynamically resolve the request URI to resource(s) using the resource registration endpoint instead of using the static permission. |
| http_method_as_scope | boolean | optional | false | | Map HTTP request type to scope of same name and add to all permissions requested. |
| timeout | integer | optional | 3000 | [1000, ...] | Timeout(ms) for the http connection with the Identity Server. |
| cache_ttl_seconds | integer | optional | 86400 (equivalent to 24h) | positive integer >= 1 | The maximum period in seconds up to which the plugin caches discovery documents and tokens, used by the plugin to authenticate to Keycloak. |
| keepalive | boolean | optional | true | | Enable HTTP keep-alive to keep connections open after use. Set to `true` if you expect a lot of requests to Keycloak. |
| keepalive_timeout | integer | optional | 60000 | positive integer >= 1000 | Idle timeout after which established HTTP connections will be closed. |
| keepalive_pool | integer | optional | 5 | positive integer >= 1 | Maximum number of connections in the connection pool. |
### Discovery and Endpoints
The plugin can discover Keycloak API endpoints from a URL in the `discovery` attribute that points to
Keycloak's discovery document for Authorization Services for the respective realm. This is the recommended
option and typically most convenient.
If the discovery document is available, the plugin determines the token endpoint URL from it. If present, the
`token_endpoint` attribute overrides the URL.
Analogously, the plugin determines the registration endpoint from the discovery document. The
`resource_registration_endpoint` overrides, if present.
### Client ID and Secret
The plugin needs the `client_id` attribute to identify itself when interacting with Keycloak.
For backwards compatibility, you can still use the `audience` attribute as well instead. The plugin
prefers `client_id` over `audience` if both are configured.
The plugin always needs the `client_id` or `audience` to specify the context in which Keycloak
should evaluate permissions.
If `lazy_load_paths` is `true` then the plugin additionally needs to obtain an access token for
itself from Keycloak. In this case, if the client access to Keycloak is confidential, the plugin