| access_key | string | required | | | Different `consumer` objects should have different values, and it should be unique. If different consumers use the same `access_key`, a request matching exception will occur. |
| secret_key | string | required | | | Use as a pair with `access_key`. |
| clock_skew | integer | optional | 0 | | The clock skew allowed by the signature in seconds. For example, if the time is allowed to skew by 10 seconds, then it should be set to `10`. especially, `0` means not checking `Date` |
| signed_headers | array[string] | optional | | | Restrict the headers that are added to the encrypted calculation. After the specified, the client request can only specify the headers within this range. When this item is empty, all the headers specified by the client request will be added to the encrypted calculation |
The calculation formula of the signature is `signature = HMAC-SHAx-HEX(secret_key, signing_string)`. From the formula, it can be seen that in order to obtain the signature, two parameters, `SECRET_KEY` and `signing_STRING`, are required. Where secret_key is configured by the corresponding consumer, the calculation formula of `signing_STRING` is `signing_string = signing_string = HTTP Method + \n + HTTP URI + \n + canonical_query_string + \n + access_key + \n + Date + \n + signed_headers_string`.
4.**canonical_query_string** :`canonical_query_string` is the result of encoding the `query` in the URL (`query` is the string "key1 = valve1 & key2 = valve2" after the "?" in the URL).
5.**signed_headers_string** :`signed_headers_string` is the result of obtaining the fields specified by the client from the request header and concatenating the strings in order.
* Extract the `query` item in the URL, that is, the string "key1 = valve1 & key2 = valve2" after the "?" in the URL.
* Split the `query` into several items according to the & separator, each item is in the form of key=value or only key.
* Encoding each item after disassembly is divided into the following two situations.
* When the item has only key, the conversion formula is UriEncode(key) + "=".
* When the item is in the form of key=value, the conversion formula is in the form of UriEncode(key) + "=" + UriEncode(value). Here value can be an empty string.
* After converting each item, sort by key in lexicographic order (ASCII code from small to large), and connect them with the & symbol to generate the corresponding canonical_query_string.
> The signed_headers_string generation steps are as follows:
* Obtain the headers specified to be added to the calculation from the request header. For details, please refer to the placement of `SIGNED_HEADERS` in the next section `Use the generated signature to make a request attempt`.
* Take out the headers specified by `SIGNED_HEADERS` in order from the request header, and splice them together in order of `name:value`. After splicing, a `signed_headers_string` is generated.